condition mean min max Gametophyte 26.791966666666667 19.9116 33.3734 Male Gametophyte 104.78246666666666 90.6964 123.00299999999999 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 319.8568888888889 222.418 468.48800000000006 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 63.309400000000004 63.2565 63.3482 Sporophyte 109.634 109.634 109.634 Seedling, sporophyte 184.197 173.206 195.188 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 191.1265 178.607 203.646 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 140.583 132.518 148.648 Whole plant 213.50933333333333 200.923 234.66 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 223.06933333333333 215.917 236.97799999999998 Callus 25.0122 25.0122 25.0122 Differentiating Callus 8.275123333333333 6.1910099999999995 9.83458 Proliferating Callus 6.115176666666667 4.2384 7.60504 Bulbil 6.560460000000001 6.560460000000001 6.560460000000001 Leaf 100.04946666666666 1.0573299999999999 555.457 Leaf (without leaf tip) 74.44643333333333 71.077 78.0009 Leaf Tip 113.54299999999999 109.66 117.916 Root 3.0461400000000003 3.0461400000000003 3.0461400000000003 Root (without root tip) 8.575563333333333 7.86377 9.52699 Root Tip 39.006 19.8218 52.6853 Differentiated root 23.776 18.147000000000002 30.5795 Shoot Apex 250.17 250.17 250.17 Shoot 244.9766666666667 213.375 290.158 Shoot Tip 75.4591 70.2989 79.8634 Vegetative Frond 198.457 198.457 198.457 Frond 157.5377074074074 51.3454 503.375