condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.03599 0.0 0.10797000000000001 Male Gametophyte 0.12855316666666666 0.0549855 0.168344 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 13.279713333333333 6.43463 19.4259 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.0 0.0 0.0 Sporophyte 65.1796 65.1796 65.1796 Seedling, sporophyte 79.07650000000001 68.0326 90.1204 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 104.27615 97.5643 110.988 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 19.47265 16.0228 22.9225 Whole plant 108.59386666666666 97.6326 118.78299999999999 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 93.68643333333334 85.1426 99.5492 Callus 0.0312336 0.0312336 0.0312336 Differentiating Callus 24.160329 0.396787 45.745 Proliferating Callus 5.420368 0.382789 15.413 Bulbil 27.6522 27.6522 27.6522 Leaf 49.25725156410256 0.0 426.715 Leaf (without leaf tip) 955.4956666666667 936.5980000000001 971.387 Leaf Tip 65.62133333333334 65.0638 66.6473 Root 2.5639 2.5639 2.5639 Root (without root tip) 0.06207306666666667 0.0 0.111973 Root Tip 0.25010611666666666 0.040169699999999996 0.523458 Differentiated root 1.8311393333333332 0.714958 2.6484 Shoot Apex 159.284 159.284 159.284 Shoot 155.25833333333333 126.204 170.084 Shoot Tip 80.66373333333333 77.359 83.2615 Vegetative Frond 311.781 311.781 311.781 Frond 55.80263814814815 4.13175 190.19099999999997