condition mean min max Gametophyte 30.987993 0.745179 63.7311 Male Gametophyte 26.257733333333334 16.3989 35.8622 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 78.0511 65.2964 89.0551 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 79.08486666666667 73.8707 88.9581 Sporophyte 135.157 135.157 135.157 Seedling, sporophyte 41.071349999999995 39.4927 42.65 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 41.7042 27.0151 56.3933 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 37.01695 34.7802 39.2537 Whole plant 90.17886666666666 84.7367 93.3061 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 74.55526666666667 63.0236 80.8017 Callus 503.017 503.017 503.017 Differentiating Callus 95.0621 70.6017 125.382 Proliferating Callus 146.36 116.705 175.59400000000002 Bulbil 24.3849 24.3849 24.3849 Leaf 62.88603858974359 0.0 325.341 Leaf (without leaf tip) 37.923899999999996 36.7904 39.3585 Leaf Tip 135.46766666666667 130.506 140.707 Root 23.7981 23.7981 23.7981 Root (without root tip) 120.38433333333333 117.90700000000001 122.448 Root Tip 64.02771666666666 27.3783 96.5813 Differentiated root 29.307133333333333 18.8147 34.813 Shoot Apex 147.304 147.304 147.304 Shoot 16.248233333333335 13.1928 19.9082 Shoot Tip 235.47133333333335 228.24599999999998 246.00900000000001 Vegetative Frond 152.262 152.262 152.262 Frond 8.110004074074075 1.4606700000000001 18.7149