condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	33.13756666666667	25.814	43.8997
Male Gametophyte	40.07866666666666	36.0881	43.327
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	47.35417777777778	42.9056	53.3729
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	49.40656666666666	42.2575	54.4023
Sporophyte	51.5664	51.5664	51.5664
Seedling, sporophyte	34.46195	31.5277	37.3962
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	39.1845	39.1536	39.2154
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	26.914749999999998	26.1844	27.6451
Whole plant	74.63386666666666	71.3066	76.6852
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	71.8013	70.0624	75.1282
Callus	27.6039	27.6039	27.6039
Differentiating Callus	45.79343333333333	43.3138	47.9407
Proliferating Callus	43.142133333333334	38.6952	46.01
Bulbil	10.2967	10.2967	10.2967
Leaf	28.94575923076923	1.1740000000000002	73.2259
Leaf (without leaf tip)	24.755933333333335	24.6035	24.8426
Leaf Tip	49.93756666666667	48.6454	51.5254
Root	15.562000000000001	15.562000000000001	15.562000000000001
Root (without root tip)	24.5705	21.8005	27.1989
Root Tip	36.97415	30.7484	49.9351
Differentiated root	24.137633333333333	22.1944	27.6211
Shoot Apex	35.4021	35.4021	35.4021
Shoot	27.2003	25.4311	28.4538
Shoot Tip	37.479933333333335	36.1652	38.6467
Vegetative Frond	34.6957	34.6957	34.6957
Frond	18.98874074074074	13.9365	29.9401