condition mean min max Gametophyte 5.15199 2.0773099999999998 7.29621 Male Gametophyte 14.9297 13.629000000000001 16.7194 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 13.75938888888889 12.537 14.9358 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 7.692863333333333 6.32434 8.53801 Sporophyte 36.3132 36.3132 36.3132 Seedling, sporophyte 15.50235 15.4322 15.5725 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.6754 15.9791 19.3717 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.2492 14.0367 14.4617 Whole plant 32.58326666666667 31.8314 33.1614 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 32.29496666666667 30.6329 33.6492 Callus 19.8114 19.8114 19.8114 Differentiating Callus 15.376833333333334 14.1469 16.3424 Proliferating Callus 18.419900000000002 17.539 18.9891 Bulbil 2.58765 2.58765 2.58765 Leaf 12.921889205128206 0.127689 51.1938 Leaf (without leaf tip) 14.3522 12.5325 15.9654 Leaf Tip 34.26806666666667 32.5925 36.3218 Root 6.13159 6.13159 6.13159 Root (without root tip) 15.708033333333335 15.1675 16.1352 Root Tip 20.093778333333333 8.20527 28.8155 Differentiated root 17.987633333333335 16.5492 19.4689 Shoot Apex 25.1749 25.1749 25.1749 Shoot 12.098963333333334 9.568489999999999 13.6843 Shoot Tip 34.39986666666667 33.8939 34.7531 Vegetative Frond 21.6964 21.6964 21.6964 Frond 17.27411111111111 8.50406 23.4642