condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.7723133333333332 1.16203 2.8734599999999997 Male Gametophyte 4.224316666666667 3.55419 4.6703 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 5.694618888888889 4.56992 6.41132 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.824246666666667 3.15275 4.36341 Sporophyte 5.22121 5.22121 5.22121 Seedling, sporophyte 5.394360000000001 5.27013 5.5185900000000006 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.451775 3.06795 3.8356 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.76917 4.50744 5.0309 Whole plant 4.09013 3.58815 4.3672 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 4.352296666666667 3.31748 4.87868 Callus 0.424461 0.424461 0.424461 Differentiating Callus 2.475586666666667 1.8325900000000002 3.3473800000000002 Proliferating Callus 2.2259366666666667 1.44195 2.63483 Bulbil 2.34505 2.34505 2.34505 Leaf 5.712600407692308 0.0359699 21.4881 Leaf (without leaf tip) 7.771506666666667 7.43215 8.195030000000001 Leaf Tip 5.38412 5.22246 5.64634 Root 1.74216 1.74216 1.74216 Root (without root tip) 3.21001 2.33517 4.01561 Root Tip 4.543146666666667 2.5930299999999997 6.35458 Differentiated root 4.3362099999999995 2.94181 6.36181 Shoot Apex 14.9462 14.9462 14.9462 Shoot 4.960303333333333 4.03179 5.48882 Shoot Tip 5.961796666666666 5.24707 6.888139999999999 Vegetative Frond 24.7666 24.7666 24.7666 Frond 7.132875925925926 3.55332 15.2312