condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	0.02605026666666667	0.0	0.0781508
Male Gametophyte	0.030711466666666663	0.0	0.09213439999999999
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	0.10662092222222222	0.0	0.19753800000000002
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	0.0323941	0.0	0.0971823
Sporophyte	45.0755	45.0755	45.0755
Seedling, sporophyte	6.746575	6.39291	7.100239999999999
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	10.549389999999999	9.91508	11.1837
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	13.1631	13.0295	13.2967
Whole plant	5.70646	3.98866	6.81643
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	5.49629	4.90848	6.1883300000000006
Callus	0.6803600000000001	0.6803600000000001	0.6803600000000001
Differentiating Callus	33.789566666666666	25.9296	38.899
Proliferating Callus	10.672896666666666	8.55208	14.0344
Bulbil	3.34039	3.34039	3.34039
Leaf	1.4022130333333334	0.0	13.9157
Leaf (without leaf tip)	0.2798316666666667	0.257983	0.32153400000000004
Leaf Tip	46.622733333333336	44.8736	49.5105
Root	0.42961099999999997	0.42961099999999997	0.42961099999999997
Root (without root tip)	0.08187933333333333	0.0	0.12440799999999999
Root Tip	1.659916	0.558163	3.5009
Differentiated root	0.08702656666666667	0.0	0.174027
Shoot Apex	9.64552	9.64552	9.64552
Shoot	1.4481933333333334	1.14845	1.7047900000000002
Shoot Tip	31.906533333333332	30.7766	32.5716
Vegetative Frond	2.15192	2.15192	2.15192
Frond	0.02442205925925926	0.0	0.289779