condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.6366100000000001 1.1143 2.30802 Male Gametophyte 9.293883333333333 8.23286 10.937000000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 10.358728888888889 8.3128 12.8969 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.2533133333333333 1.93793 2.62545 Sporophyte 21.8063 21.8063 21.8063 Seedling, sporophyte 16.61335 15.6518 17.5749 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.6014 14.3428 14.86 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 25.1021 24.2536 25.9506 Whole plant 22.733 20.4121 24.3051 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 20.828133333333334 19.4468 22.5163 Callus 6.20536 6.20536 6.20536 Differentiating Callus 19.4144 17.3739 22.2858 Proliferating Callus 17.197566666666667 16.6845 18.2219 Bulbil 7.843710000000001 7.843710000000001 7.843710000000001 Leaf 12.979101717948717 0.23979699999999998 47.1793 Leaf (without leaf tip) 36.024 34.8907 37.8976 Leaf Tip 21.27103333333333 19.925 22.0766 Root 12.6886 12.6886 12.6886 Root (without root tip) 7.501586666666666 6.7777 7.88479 Root Tip 29.794516666666667 24.1147 34.5171 Differentiated root 10.727253333333334 5.5503599999999995 16.375 Shoot Apex 54.5525 54.5525 54.5525 Shoot 12.559066666666666 11.2916 14.4666 Shoot Tip 21.801033333333333 20.9632 22.7874 Vegetative Frond 29.3447 29.3447 29.3447 Frond 18.53047148148148 5.21623 40.6685