condition mean min max Gametophyte 22.864433333333334 18.4795 28.8345 Male Gametophyte 20.0898 15.7678 22.2682 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 30.946955555555554 27.7011 33.3471 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 34.74756666666667 32.264 37.9536 Sporophyte 27.035999999999998 27.035999999999998 27.035999999999998 Seedling, sporophyte 14.771799999999999 14.7189 14.8247 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.28085 19.939 20.6227 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.5412 16.3764 16.706 Whole plant 44.3015 42.3844 45.3339 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 42.77173333333334 40.7379 44.4239 Callus 21.4685 21.4685 21.4685 Differentiating Callus 11.669526666666666 8.31068 14.4763 Proliferating Callus 13.099433333333334 12.5141 13.9359 Bulbil 3.7445 3.7445 3.7445 Leaf 17.002526307692307 0.10191900000000001 39.6206 Leaf (without leaf tip) 15.467533333333334 14.3496 16.7181 Leaf Tip 27.939566666666668 27.0425 29.2581 Root 5.73271 5.73271 5.73271 Root (without root tip) 11.07281 9.50253 12.6641 Root Tip 26.5033 20.9279 28.7608 Differentiated root 18.016233333333332 17.551 18.4153 Shoot Apex 27.9679 27.9679 27.9679 Shoot 14.543 11.7871 16.9457 Shoot Tip 27.629033333333332 26.8949 28.3741 Vegetative Frond 18.3134 18.3134 18.3134 Frond 15.91224074074074 12.4028 19.4317