condition mean min max Gametophyte 11.960816666666666 9.99095 12.9548 Male Gametophyte 71.66976666666666 67.8787 74.0609 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 61.55292222222222 54.4073 77.9102 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 9.916943333333334 9.29294 10.845 Sporophyte 15.8181 15.8181 15.8181 Seedling, sporophyte 17.84375 17.4459 18.2416 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 26.220750000000002 25.3029 27.1386 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 36.8634 36.3946 37.3322 Whole plant 32.1813 30.5571 33.5346 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 40.81843333333333 36.4651 46.0267 Callus 6.46405 6.46405 6.46405 Differentiating Callus 24.774966666666668 23.1708 25.8744 Proliferating Callus 23.1868 20.1532 25.5481 Bulbil 5.37029 5.37029 5.37029 Leaf 20.384926487179488 0.591673 42.3055 Leaf (without leaf tip) 25.7303 23.9679 27.5206 Leaf Tip 12.9802 11.0627 15.8219 Root 11.9356 11.9356 11.9356 Root (without root tip) 10.7561 10.3763 11.457 Root Tip 26.16445 21.5892 34.4935 Differentiated root 25.2609 22.72 29.3893 Shoot Apex 22.5574 22.5574 22.5574 Shoot 20.359966666666665 19.3893 21.7747 Shoot Tip 14.1009 13.5643 15.1453 Vegetative Frond 25.7128 25.7128 25.7128 Frond 23.775174074074073 12.1796 37.4441