condition mean min max Gametophyte 31.252966666666666 10.5886 48.3101 Male Gametophyte 26.8409 26.148000000000003 28.0765 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 65.98232222222222 57.7423 75.9076 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 144.86066666666667 144.09799999999998 146.308 Sporophyte 105.23200000000001 105.23200000000001 105.23200000000001 Seedling, sporophyte 39.3307 38.4251 40.2363 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 52.66115 50.0465 55.2758 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 39.62965 37.1013 42.158 Whole plant 54.934466666666665 51.4709 56.6883 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 51.88086666666667 51.08 52.8883 Callus 92.7491 92.7491 92.7491 Differentiating Callus 67.57173333333333 63.4067 69.9632 Proliferating Callus 63.5593 54.5255 72.9302 Bulbil 6.93123 6.93123 6.93123 Leaf 28.55736694871795 0.9499709999999999 215.275 Leaf (without leaf tip) 12.7834 12.4348 13.4228 Leaf Tip 103.94633333333334 101.01700000000001 105.635 Root 4.86408 4.86408 4.86408 Root (without root tip) 13.8016 13.0306 15.1496 Root Tip 60.69571666666666 31.9629 80.4288 Differentiated root 7.839676666666667 7.1477 8.47004 Shoot Apex 55.916000000000004 55.916000000000004 55.916000000000004 Shoot 8.650496666666667 7.086810000000001 9.53074 Shoot Tip 101.87366666666667 100.88600000000001 102.76100000000001 Vegetative Frond 18.9454 18.9454 18.9454 Frond 6.859299629629629 2.90048 10.7542