condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.7561609999999999 0.712503 3.2988199999999996 Male Gametophyte 2.35137 1.3715899999999999 3.86396 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 17.771844444444444 14.0071 21.8258 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 1.8322766666666668 1.33429 2.48084 Sporophyte 22.7446 22.7446 22.7446 Seedling, sporophyte 20.214199999999998 19.0434 21.385 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 26.342799999999997 25.2157 27.4699 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.1137 20.0423 20.1851 Whole plant 55.46183333333333 53.3459 58.2017 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 62.373866666666665 57.7228 69.3802 Callus 54.2988 54.2988 54.2988 Differentiating Callus 70.48503333333333 64.4545 81.5774 Proliferating Callus 69.01196666666667 57.1126 80.2607 Bulbil 3.45805 3.45805 3.45805 Leaf 22.23942028974359 0.0970423 129.95600000000002 Leaf (without leaf tip) 21.597633333333334 18.8784 24.1084 Leaf Tip 19.783166666666666 17.8501 22.6208 Root 11.9741 11.9741 11.9741 Root (without root tip) 28.914266666666666 23.0357 40.342 Root Tip 37.08433333333333 25.2826 40.3849 Differentiated root 41.216300000000004 36.5084 44.9367 Shoot Apex 26.596 26.596 26.596 Shoot 22.44783333333333 14.6843 31.7104 Shoot Tip 17.05666666666667 16.0721 18.4141 Vegetative Frond 11.9957 11.9957 11.9957 Frond 49.89791481481481 10.6242 86.0957