condition mean min max Gametophyte 29.6067 13.1274 43.6174 Male Gametophyte 29.265333333333334 27.7966 31.0926 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 16.20272222222222 12.2184 20.4458 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 70.08336666666666 67.6184 72.7259 Sporophyte 39.4497 39.4497 39.4497 Seedling, sporophyte 28.5624 28.4358 28.689 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 34.26705 33.1292 35.4049 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 29.07315 27.0502 31.0961 Whole plant 54.00586666666667 51.0246 58.9245 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 47.2233 44.8568 48.8328 Callus 20.8571 20.8571 20.8571 Differentiating Callus 26.495466666666665 23.6348 31.5331 Proliferating Callus 29.962533333333333 24.9985 33.9709 Bulbil 2.0158400000000003 2.0158400000000003 2.0158400000000003 Leaf 8.751083282051281 0.154172 21.9926 Leaf (without leaf tip) 11.986133333333333 11.7762 12.159 Leaf Tip 41.378233333333334 39.4591 43.2376 Root 7.4387300000000005 7.4387300000000005 7.4387300000000005 Root (without root tip) 17.611 16.4378 18.4071 Root Tip 37.72858333333333 24.0312 45.4574 Differentiated root 25.133966666666666 21.0357 32.8623 Shoot Apex 18.2864 18.2864 18.2864 Shoot 8.02646 7.76081 8.21353 Shoot Tip 40.03313333333333 37.4416 43.0577 Vegetative Frond 21.0603 21.0603 21.0603 Frond 12.650436666666666 9.6538 18.7479