condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.683483333333333 1.22939 5.75384 Male Gametophyte 88.33066666666667 86.2061 92.0922 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 11.657332222222223 7.58955 17.1077 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 4.361023333333334 3.94138 4.8522099999999995 Sporophyte 20.941 20.941 20.941 Seedling, sporophyte 3.011155 2.98714 3.03517 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.2565 4.23844 4.27456 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.607595 4.6881 6.52709 Whole plant 9.871596666666667 9.220889999999999 10.2209 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 9.219696666666668 8.522310000000001 10.0526 Callus 11.7766 11.7766 11.7766 Differentiating Callus 10.942703333333332 8.20271 12.5811 Proliferating Callus 12.574266666666666 11.4433 13.4842 Bulbil 1.32659 1.32659 1.32659 Leaf 19.51983782051282 0.0 269.093 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.74034 3.64519 3.9145 Leaf Tip 21.62933333333333 20.945999999999998 21.9767 Root 3.2322 3.2322 3.2322 Root (without root tip) 6.959036666666666 3.8141599999999998 8.72171 Root Tip 9.825783333333334 5.4323 11.936 Differentiated root 5.481683333333334 3.9874199999999997 6.370830000000001 Shoot Apex 12.8725 12.8725 12.8725 Shoot 2.6012733333333333 1.78502 3.5347 Shoot Tip 20.454033333333335 19.7343 21.2891 Vegetative Frond 35.3238 35.3238 35.3238 Frond 0.43005177777777776 0.22281900000000002 0.9513440000000001