condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.2955166666666666 0.55471 1.84244 Male Gametophyte 7.701253333333334 5.9038900000000005 9.778780000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 16.37621111111111 13.6041 18.7856 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.752003333333333 3.41561 4.16876 Sporophyte 1.7278900000000001 1.7278900000000001 1.7278900000000001 Seedling, sporophyte 7.62364 7.10177 8.14551 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 5.713495 5.13331 6.29368 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 6.2644 5.75515 6.77365 Whole plant 5.510013333333333 5.21853 6.0069099999999995 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 5.320826666666667 4.92924 6.0656300000000005 Callus 0.209963 0.209963 0.209963 Differentiating Callus 0.9930153333333334 0.889115 1.18879 Proliferating Callus 0.580499 0.428874 0.797016 Bulbil 1.2037799999999999 1.2037799999999999 1.2037799999999999 Leaf 3.946187435897436 0.41283800000000004 11.0854 Leaf (without leaf tip) 5.714823333333333 5.6128800000000005 5.77503 Leaf Tip 1.7868666666666666 1.7283 1.84742 Root 0.142051 0.142051 0.142051 Root (without root tip) 0.7745190000000001 0.6755220000000001 0.84178 Root Tip 0.5213745 0.166175 0.8349790000000001 Differentiated root 3.0280666666666667 2.79922 3.1955 Shoot Apex 8.94815 8.94815 8.94815 Shoot 9.2563 7.73198 11.1388 Shoot Tip 2.1036099999999998 1.85712 2.59265 Vegetative Frond 9.67683 9.67683 9.67683 Frond 16.629803703703704 11.2929 24.5179