condition mean min max Gametophyte 14.522463333333333 8.915989999999999 21.2629 Male Gametophyte 33.437533333333334 23.7814 38.6015 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 37.503933333333336 29.6604 48.2496 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 20.861166666666666 13.8441 26.9043 Sporophyte 34.7571 34.7571 34.7571 Seedling, sporophyte 23.90605 23.2831 24.529 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.458750000000002 20.0795 20.838 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.1225 16.7247 17.5203 Whole plant 30.924633333333336 26.6797 39.1283 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 33.4722 32.5416 34.5857 Callus 117.476 117.476 117.476 Differentiating Callus 75.68963333333333 56.5084 88.1511 Proliferating Callus 62.811766666666664 48.3612 74.8832 Bulbil 10.2149 10.2149 10.2149 Leaf 7.99152417948718 0.0 26.7557 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.444543333333334 6.139419999999999 11.7423 Leaf Tip 32.934 28.0691 35.9675 Root 8.627310000000001 8.627310000000001 8.627310000000001 Root (without root tip) 21.6143 17.8568 25.5069 Root Tip 60.839983333333336 42.0082 83.70299999999999 Differentiated root 27.063 21.2791 37.5541 Shoot Apex 35.0539 35.0539 35.0539 Shoot 8.897556666666667 6.04744 10.8467 Shoot Tip 49.469433333333335 49.2443 49.6184 Vegetative Frond 23.7329 23.7329 23.7329 Frond 11.991965925925927 1.65478 19.5583