condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.4648233333333334 1.31539 3.2988199999999996 Male Gametophyte 11.377383333333334 6.72605 15.3878 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 6.620314444444444 4.82644 11.6369 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.7233733333333334 2.97532 4.10551 Sporophyte 0.0 0.0 0.0 Seedling, sporophyte 1.4659149999999999 1.33378 1.59805 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.5254399999999997 2.21457 2.8363099999999997 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.4999450000000003 2.14165 2.8582400000000003 Whole plant 4.497106666666667 3.7691800000000004 5.80595 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 5.307333333333333 4.92641 5.872269999999999 Callus 1.32132 1.32132 1.32132 Differentiating Callus 1.1152753333333334 0.9325459999999999 1.38936 Proliferating Callus 1.0197393333333333 0.47249300000000005 1.64935 Bulbil 0.513871 0.513871 0.513871 Leaf 2.0588938615384613 0.0 7.35902 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.39240866666666663 0.271389 0.541187 Leaf Tip 0.03292763333333333 0.0 0.09878289999999999 Root 4.60543 4.60543 4.60543 Root (without root tip) 10.494053333333333 7.80721 15.4736 Root Tip 1.5992563333333334 0.28326999999999997 4.13813 Differentiated root 18.967033333333333 15.8661 20.644000000000002 Shoot Apex 2.22733 2.22733 2.22733 Shoot 1.22842 1.04589 1.49577 Shoot Tip 1.2914643333333333 0.875023 1.83515 Vegetative Frond 1.03485 1.03485 1.03485 Frond 3.6964734814814815 0.22103000000000003 11.9174