condition mean min max Gametophyte 9.23217 4.26841 12.2167 Male Gametophyte 10.386746666666667 9.88134 10.9246 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 13.225922222222222 10.21 16.3327 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 19.574833333333334 16.0278 22.5268 Sporophyte 28.293000000000003 28.293000000000003 28.293000000000003 Seedling, sporophyte 16.3866 16.1163 16.6569 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.770150000000001 13.9919 15.5484 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 13.844550000000002 11.9577 15.7314 Whole plant 16.155766666666665 14.97 18.3787 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 15.9163 15.890999999999998 15.9446 Callus 12.3692 12.3692 12.3692 Differentiating Callus 40.605399999999996 34.1123 48.4669 Proliferating Callus 37.29016666666667 36.6118 37.7922 Bulbil 1.64788 1.64788 1.64788 Leaf 6.272848974358975 0.0 22.2764 Leaf (without leaf tip) 7.315176666666667 6.83299 8.00328 Leaf Tip 28.07046666666667 27.8665 28.2998 Root 2.86448 2.86448 2.86448 Root (without root tip) 7.291816666666667 6.36246 8.24654 Root Tip 15.362866666666667 11.9567 18.5178 Differentiated root 4.641263333333333 3.37145 6.04861 Shoot Apex 12.3819 12.3819 12.3819 Shoot 4.342056666666666 3.6067 5.05061 Shoot Tip 22.4403 21.4764 24.2076 Vegetative Frond 6.16665 6.16665 6.16665 Frond 5.74535 3.05709 8.4114