condition mean min max Gametophyte 199.42566666666667 160.60399999999998 234.94 Male Gametophyte 234.96966666666665 219.541 257.02 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 117.58998888888888 91.8899 152.489 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 265.2033333333333 252.44400000000002 283.962 Sporophyte 648.29 648.29 648.29 Seedling, sporophyte 63.98665 57.0124 70.9609 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 127.7105 119.087 136.334 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 149.9565 145.80200000000002 154.111 Whole plant 147.52733333333333 109.524 166.791 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 168.76033333333334 166.005 172.959 Callus 580.78 580.78 580.78 Differentiating Callus 695.0846666666666 540.715 810.3969999999999 Proliferating Callus 693.117 487.994 823.855 Bulbil 35.9959 35.9959 35.9959 Leaf 68.93733482051282 0.0 409.375 Leaf (without leaf tip) 1.320733 0.564009 2.2734799999999997 Leaf Tip 663.5680000000001 648.445 692.8660000000001 Root 45.0828 45.0828 45.0828 Root (without root tip) 1.0694066666666666 0.0 2.1202900000000002 Root Tip 238.7841666666667 197.77200000000002 308.285 Differentiated root 13.3865 10.4763 15.9866 Shoot Apex 278.249 278.249 278.249 Shoot 37.57886666666667 29.3436 45.3729 Shoot Tip 590.436 567.9780000000001 626.879 Vegetative Frond 95.7045 95.7045 95.7045 Frond 0.1506631111111111 0.0 2.53408