condition mean min max Gametophyte 50.728833333333334 30.5013 67.2844 Male Gametophyte 115.32166666666667 110.037 120.777 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 57.557922222222224 44.8302 64.428 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 102.41916666666667 96.5805 107.154 Sporophyte 163.155 163.155 163.155 Seedling, sporophyte 73.8005 72.4495 75.1515 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 88.6036 84.406 92.8012 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 72.10195 70.7891 73.4148 Whole plant 68.05426666666666 61.8967 72.1531 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 60.94773333333333 58.8366 63.63 Callus 78.7419 78.7419 78.7419 Differentiating Callus 169.29966666666667 151.917 191.545 Proliferating Callus 172.65466666666666 147.93 196.176 Bulbil 11.4536 11.4536 11.4536 Leaf 28.47577 2.91285 96.8028 Leaf (without leaf tip) 25.029833333333332 23.6982 27.6868 Leaf Tip 164.216 163.111 165.662 Root 15.2527 15.2527 15.2527 Root (without root tip) 36.6405 30.5884 41.3021 Root Tip 84.74476666666666 78.7892 93.9274 Differentiated root 24.284266666666667 21.6757 27.256999999999998 Shoot Apex 63.9568 63.9568 63.9568 Shoot 20.270133333333334 19.9777 20.4458 Shoot Tip 121.06700000000001 118.516 123.854 Vegetative Frond 51.7946 51.7946 51.7946 Frond 17.75122962962963 10.4913 24.2991