condition mean min max Egg cell 44.14313 22.425 72.4 Ovule 70.70931153846153 56.3776 88.5971 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 26.155166666666666 23.1527 32.0034 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 25.550433333333334 21.0681 33.0134 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 32.4077 24.3618 38.4483 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 51.4278 51.1953 51.6335 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 34.980666666666664 27.4592 42.5221 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 65.24226666666667 53.9468 72.7018 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 62.70356666666667 57.3062 66.0595 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 71.22548 50.6948 100.262 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 61.98683333333333 54.7805 65.9836 Sperm 89.39201666666666 77.6796 102.674 Pollen tube (Col-0) 24.086 20.8144 28.1528 Flower (receptacles) 88.0771625 77.5938 94.2605 Flower (floral buds) 113.639 113.639 113.639 Flower (sepals) 90.20297500000001 66.2938 114.109 Flower (petals) 132.17700000000002 130.693 133.661 Flower (stamen filaments) 140.709 139.89 141.528 Flower (anthers) 78.84793333333333 40.783 106.153 Flower (carpels) 78.18863571428571 61.7407 98.4771 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 99.02629999999999 96.6296 101.423 Pedicel 70.26955000000001 68.2993 72.2398 Axis of the inflorescence 79.06254999999999 78.9523 79.1728 Silique 98.23317777777777 74.8727 121.341 Silique (senescent) 23.78855 23.5644 24.0127 Pods of siliques 111.6455375 91.333 135.621 Pods of siliques (senescent) 123.3025 117.88 128.725 Embryo 42.7978 42.7978 42.7978 Endosperm 105.55666 73.0598 124.603 Seed 16.89765 14.0583 21.6965 Seed (young) 61.23569 51.0655 72.061 Seed (germinating) 101.85028333333334 38.0273 162.781 Seedling 71.13692 51.7943 97.1373 Seedling (etiolated) 141.38866666666667 127.467 171.196 Meristem 65.74374333333333 53.7418 88.4345 Stem (internode) 126.1885 120.927 131.45 Stem (internode, senescent) 143.76299999999998 130.975 156.551 Stems 119.33659852941176 72.9111 165.458 Leaf (rosette) 149.09585 47.3733 212.692 Epidermis cells 6.151995 3.71128 8.59271 Mature guard cells 7.045615 2.86303 11.2282 Root (differentiation zone) 183.25 183.25 183.25 Root (elongation zone) 271.034 256.225 285.843 Root (meristematic zone) 118.56 118.56 118.56 Root (apex) 160.5665 158.112 163.021 Root (stele) 400.561 400.561 400.561 Root (QC cells) 36.60336520833334 0.0303695 206.964 Root (tip) 101.71986666666666 85.8836 112.408