condition mean min max Egg cell 100.31436000000001 28.6289 270.283 Ovule 25.012423076923078 18.4396 34.6741 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 28.4365 25.0318 30.1775 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 33.20746666666667 30.8867 35.719 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 26.703466666666667 25.4538 28.3498 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 27.484433333333335 24.7615 30.3288 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 28.337766666666667 23.5808 31.0528 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 20.645933333333335 18.62 22.0759 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 27.5732 21.6744 35.2015 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 12.16166 11.6735 13.2424 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 22.6173 19.5865 24.5674 Sperm 205.42016666666666 183.357 231.796 Pollen tube (Col-0) 19.847633333333334 15.5957 24.54 Flower (receptacles) 27.7721375 26.0176 29.8051 Flower (floral buds) 54.176 54.176 54.176 Flower (sepals) 21.724 18.7648 25.0916 Flower (petals) 22.893050000000002 21.5271 24.259 Flower (stamen filaments) 15.687750000000001 15.5199 15.8556 Flower (anthers) 18.713516666666667 16.5033 23.081 Flower (carpels) 23.373292857142857 15.2265 35.6168 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 22.02045 20.6718 23.3691 Pedicel 12.684750000000001 11.659 13.7105 Axis of the inflorescence 14.01685 13.696 14.3377 Silique 20.869566666666667 15.2879 25.1882 Silique (senescent) 14.506499999999999 13.6006 15.4124 Pods of siliques 20.48515 16.9069 23.9319 Pods of siliques (senescent) 50.01665 47.5828 52.4505 Embryo 16.7465 16.7465 16.7465 Endosperm 90.56636 33.9369 136.13 Seed 13.310935 9.51904 16.731 Seed (young) 19.32865 14.4806 25.4834 Seed (germinating) 17.093416666666666 14.543 21.8646 Seedling 17.879722 8.31721 30.4639 Seedling (etiolated) 19.82795 16.309 33.0332 Meristem 11.518329 2.18933 21.7485 Stem (internode) 18.34745 18.2887 18.4062 Stem (internode, senescent) 32.31875 30.2695 34.368 Stems 20.878441470588236 2.83474 39.5047 Leaf (rosette) 28.947214285714285 10.3174 40.5248 Epidermis cells 14.488150000000001 13.6154 15.3609 Mature guard cells 76.89335 28.2007 125.586 Root (differentiation zone) 40.4091 40.4091 40.4091 Root (elongation zone) 31.375300000000003 27.5446 35.206 Root (meristematic zone) 17.9801 17.9801 17.9801 Root (apex) 16.98035 15.341 18.6197 Root (stele) 15.7518 15.7518 15.7518 Root (QC cells) 55.29147435833333 0.0 449.675 Root (tip) 12.236633333333334 10.8305 13.6386