condition mean min max Egg cell 74.35105 19.1665 188.93 Ovule 54.758103846153844 42.4136 76.098 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 41.5368 38.7906 44.1463 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 44.9343 39.1974 51.7427 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 44.61043333333333 40.2971 46.9565 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 39.434066666666666 30.0649 45.8821 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 48.49276666666667 41.4418 53.6368 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 17.354566666666667 12.9924 21.8867 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 10.880793333333335 6.90549 16.9246 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 4.316628 3.9977 4.91188 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.8562966666666667 1.96313 4.05802 Sperm 0.20982699999999999 0.139504 0.276833 Pollen tube (Col-0) 3.8411133333333334 2.94071 4.40448 Flower (receptacles) 67.987725 62.8067 72.5279 Flower (floral buds) 42.8714 42.8714 42.8714 Flower (sepals) 54.1951 39.1246 69.99 Flower (petals) 68.1243 66.8887 69.3599 Flower (stamen filaments) 55.084 53.4744 56.6936 Flower (anthers) 46.533766666666665 31.1742 73.572 Flower (carpels) 65.70600714285715 54.2814 84.1588 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 75.52145 74.587 76.4559 Pedicel 39.027550000000005 37.7653 40.2898 Axis of the inflorescence 44.52365 40.9815 48.0658 Silique 49.13218888888889 36.4782 61.7211 Silique (senescent) 42.0527 37.2355 46.8699 Pods of siliques 45.046225 36.7737 59.939 Pods of siliques (senescent) 89.2569 88.942 89.5718 Embryo 39.851 39.851 39.851 Endosperm 93.79018 49.2101 111.339 Seed 39.1611 30.4699 48.0588 Seed (young) 64.17637 47.933 84.3051 Seed (germinating) 57.81771666666667 41.9749 75.6362 Seedling 40.4406 28.7447 54.9183 Seedling (etiolated) 56.68118333333334 52.6062 69.9847 Meristem 43.30860666666667 14.2575 60.0779 Stem (internode) 49.69265 47.4378 51.9475 Stem (internode, senescent) 101.65010000000001 99.5432 103.757 Stems 56.880091176470586 40.2816 81.766 Leaf (rosette) 137.71477857142858 32.4469 217.691 Epidermis cells 13.330490000000001 9.60828 17.0527 Mature guard cells 25.32765 11.9389 38.7164 Root (differentiation zone) 71.1943 71.1943 71.1943 Root (elongation zone) 65.01685 58.4656 71.5681 Root (meristematic zone) 55.4432 55.4432 55.4432 Root (apex) 65.70840000000001 62.3066 69.1102 Root (stele) 147.659 147.659 147.659 Root (QC cells) 153.67429794166668 0.0430253 436.57 Root (tip) 43.5256 34.1222 49.6324