condition mean min max Egg cell 5.1278362 0.213812 23.6683 Ovule 15.93235 10.1227 20.2535 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 4.1234 3.33734 4.72205 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 2.0615933333333336 1.39733 2.66373 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 2.8521466666666666 1.62869 3.83302 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 0.7700216666666667 0.656097 0.93079 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 2.02405 1.49731 2.69979 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 0.0526258 0.0210008 0.0855156 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 0.07398840000000001 0.0 0.198331 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.04924912 0.0 0.159927 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.067679 0.0 0.114225 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.0633141 0.0 0.152273 Flower (receptacles) 17.1364875 15.9759 17.9323 Flower (floral buds) 18.6729 18.6729 18.6729 Flower (sepals) 11.909225 11.1555 12.6862 Flower (petals) 20.405749999999998 20.3612 20.4503 Flower (stamen filaments) 18.19885 17.1672 19.2305 Flower (anthers) 3.4988683333333332 1.17087 9.4917 Flower (carpels) 17.107385714285716 13.5646 19.2661 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 12.213149999999999 11.2722 13.1541 Pedicel 13.5082 12.0949 14.9215 Axis of the inflorescence 19.209699999999998 18.7702 19.6492 Silique 16.7389 14.6208 19.4652 Silique (senescent) 2.644915 2.439 2.85083 Pods of siliques 16.1329875 14.0311 19.0204 Pods of siliques (senescent) 12.49405 12.4002 12.5879 Embryo 15.6481 15.6481 15.6481 Endosperm 76.40202 13.5598 117.749 Seed 2.6317025 2.15285 3.5579 Seed (young) 15.454379000000001 9.71109 23.2698 Seed (germinating) 13.90126 7.93926 17.5638 Seedling 10.138088 5.62871 16.7991 Seedling (etiolated) 15.897483333333334 14.6636 17.0146 Meristem 13.615978 4.66259 19.0283 Stem (internode) 22.1892 22.146 22.2324 Stem (internode, senescent) 20.13135 19.3378 20.9249 Stems 14.18847544117647 2.57403 22.4895 Leaf (rosette) 11.064335714285715 8.3943 14.7446 Epidermis cells 1.6296249999999999 1.21105 2.0482 Mature guard cells 2.835215 1.81968 3.85075 Root (differentiation zone) 10.3931 10.3931 10.3931 Root (elongation zone) 24.365949999999998 21.3534 27.3785 Root (meristematic zone) 14.8118 14.8118 14.8118 Root (apex) 17.7865 17.1878 18.3852 Root (stele) 67.5466 67.5466 67.5466 Root (QC cells) 2.3172743099999997 0.0 26.0431 Root (tip) 11.137513333333333 8.24974 12.6278