condition mean min max Egg cell 30.906322 4.7727 115.357 Ovule 17.81138076923077 9.3405 25.3137 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 19.494699999999998 17.6436 20.8817 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 16.121433333333332 14.3325 17.4881 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 17.0869 12.9294 20.134 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 10.179873333333333 7.77612 12.224 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 15.96055 9.42735 19.3243 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 16.5808 13.8201 18.9543 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 14.222 12.221 15.6246 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 14.45208 13.4724 15.7759 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 15.9516 14.6038 16.9121 Sperm 3.5721716666666667 2.60645 4.56134 Pollen tube (Col-0) 2.2299966666666666 1.42361 2.88597 Flower (receptacles) 13.53115 12.5696 13.8555 Flower (floral buds) 13.7916 13.7916 13.7916 Flower (sepals) 13.509475 12.0562 15.4497 Flower (petals) 15.34615 14.8887 15.8036 Flower (stamen filaments) 11.2738 10.806 11.7416 Flower (anthers) 21.477616666666666 14.1107 25.7779 Flower (carpels) 22.12295 16.8255 26.9722 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 11.459800000000001 10.9555 11.9641 Pedicel 15.29205 14.3857 16.1984 Axis of the inflorescence 18.103650000000002 17.6473 18.56 Silique 10.95809 8.23654 12.8999 Silique (senescent) 15.59975 14.5917 16.6078 Pods of siliques 12.89743125 9.95859 15.9423 Pods of siliques (senescent) 23.14775 22.7111 23.5844 Embryo 23.2884 23.2884 23.2884 Endosperm 87.42778 20.648 115.505 Seed 11.993992500000001 9.29237 15.5845 Seed (young) 18.59146 14.7025 24.0856 Seed (germinating) 20.359583333333333 12.351 25.304 Seedling 10.723037999999999 8.54323 15.1 Seedling (etiolated) 11.549466666666667 9.61184 18.4796 Meristem 16.315211666666666 7.36511 22.9847 Stem (internode) 12.473700000000001 12.1708 12.7766 Stem (internode, senescent) 15.9178 15.4096 16.426 Stems 14.330912352941176 7.87784 21.1006 Leaf (rosette) 12.40746 9.04898 14.9129 Epidermis cells 4.561475 3.93984 5.18311 Mature guard cells 4.856985 3.79764 5.91633 Root (differentiation zone) 16.717 16.717 16.717 Root (elongation zone) 15.15805 11.2672 19.0489 Root (meristematic zone) 24.4991 24.4991 24.4991 Root (apex) 21.59545 21.5589 21.632 Root (stele) 22.5347 22.5347 22.5347 Root (QC cells) 21.102315308333335 0.0 101.381 Root (tip) 14.161883333333334 9.59865 17.1534