condition	mean	min	max
Egg cell	43.374815	1.25753	155.162
Ovule	7.370032307692307	3.92385	9.59282
Uninucleate microspore (Col-0)	5.397983333333333	4.93318	6.31943
Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0)	4.084373333333334	3.07198	5.20455
Pollen (bicellular, Col-0)	4.27077	3.13012	4.94915
Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0)	1.5199953333333334	0.905266	2.53991
Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0)	3.58423	2.49699	5.28905
Pollen (tricellular, Col-0)	0.5685173333333333	0.379345	0.777361
Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0)	1.1439086666666667	0.854746	1.45018
Pollen (mature, Col-0)	0.9496631999999999	0.539524	1.44969
Pollen (mature, Ler-0)	1.26057	1.1695	1.37918
Sperm	2.2300416666666667	1.82923	2.83011
Pollen tube (Col-0)	0.9157443333333333	0.672879	1.3269
Flower (receptacles)	6.997465	6.52393	7.53715
Flower (floral buds)	9.45441	9.45441	9.45441
Flower (sepals)	4.92814	3.84392	6.18363
Flower (petals)	6.715344999999999	6.61046	6.82023
Flower (stamen filaments)	5.136825	4.83731	5.43634
Flower (anthers)	5.84367	3.34597	10.1986
Flower (carpels)	7.900392857142857	6.10386	9.93718
Flower (stigmatic tissue)	6.294090000000001	5.96164	6.62654
Pedicel	4.079925	4.0247	4.13515
Axis of the inflorescence	6.181089999999999	5.87864	6.48354
Silique	4.0264766666666665	3.08391	4.97072
Silique (senescent)	5.117635	4.93274	5.30253
Pods of siliques	3.9869825	2.43416	5.51673
Pods of siliques (senescent)	9.444355	9.42879	9.45992
Embryo	6.05563	6.05563	6.05563
Endosperm	84.601724	2.30874	146.666
Seed	6.52116	5.34444	9.18518
Seed (young)	7.15635	4.09313	8.50498
Seed (germinating)	5.619196666666666	4.26507	6.11595
Seedling	4.007018	1.92846	7.42817
Seedling (etiolated)	5.945656666666666	5.07166	7.06539
Meristem	6.146364666666667	2.09265	14.9242
Stem (internode)	4.55952	4.20173	4.91731
Stem (internode, senescent)	11.5374	10.7241	12.3507
Stems	5.209713529411765	0.906613	10.09
Leaf (rosette)	15.137504999999999	2.25339	22.3771
Epidermis cells	8.277745	3.83719	12.7183
Mature guard cells	12.7808	5.7319	19.8297
Root (differentiation zone)	8.82822	8.82822	8.82822
Root (elongation zone)	5.46983	5.16247	5.77719
Root (meristematic zone)	7.74239	7.74239	7.74239
Root (apex)	6.2261299999999995	5.90927	6.54299
Root (stele)	17.657	17.657	17.657
Root (QC cells)	26.709555686666665	0.00320974	164.922
Root (tip)	4.2038633333333335	3.05092	5.00222