condition mean min max Egg cell 37.50408 0.0 59.75 Ovule 97.48013846153846 74.4943 122.45 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 66.75216666666667 64.9625 67.9766 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 83.86496666666667 72.9344 101.174 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 70.44386666666666 66.2002 75.1868 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 52.5892 45.1902 56.3391 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 86.69393333333333 80.7995 90.1363 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 3.2585933333333337 1.97902 5.2255 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 3.0868133333333336 1.60078 5.57375 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.6244676 0.144504 1.71463 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.4779393333333333 0.0 4.09744 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.13470696666666665 0.0 0.348774 Flower (receptacles) 100.9768625 93.4251 107.603 Flower (floral buds) 246.222 246.222 246.222 Flower (sepals) 126.64525 123.696 131.88 Flower (petals) 101.91745 97.0989 106.736 Flower (stamen filaments) 134.3575 123.157 145.558 Flower (anthers) 15.930606666666666 1.7856 44.4325 Flower (carpels) 87.53451428571428 75.8707 100.17 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 74.23835 67.3268 81.1499 Pedicel 127.349 127.149 127.549 Axis of the inflorescence 130.414 130.131 130.697 Silique 123.24722222222222 100.513 141.483 Silique (senescent) 2.952885 2.69849 3.20728 Pods of siliques 155.766625 134.845 175.376 Pods of siliques (senescent) 33.0837 30.8585 35.3089 Embryo 105.041 105.041 105.041 Endosperm 48.82261 33.4793 105.246 Seed 0.40230750000000004 0.231954 0.786706 Seed (young) 92.0259 67.374 113.315 Seed (germinating) 106.95466666666667 78.5809 123.584 Seedling 128.17554 68.712 304.952 Seedling (etiolated) 83.8284 65.888 92.581 Meristem 77.63788333333333 38.4351 91.2633 Stem (internode) 121.402 120.861 121.943 Stem (internode, senescent) 71.19335 68.0902 74.2965 Stems 112.90484411764706 40.1468 179.909 Leaf (rosette) 39.89387142857143 12.9199 176.24 Epidermis cells 69.9257 51.5152 88.3362 Mature guard cells 19.2365125 0.080425 38.3926 Root (differentiation zone) 88.7636 88.7636 88.7636 Root (elongation zone) 126.4025 121.624 131.181 Root (meristematic zone) 97.9869 97.9869 97.9869 Root (apex) 100.5252 99.3754 101.675 Root (stele) 64.1298 64.1298 64.1298 Root (QC cells) 0.15091869166666666 0.0 1.63226 Root (tip) 108.55476666666667 99.7583 114.112