condition mean min max Egg cell 133.48477 74.1545 264.644 Ovule 82.7009923076923 60.8447 106.782 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 174.189 168.873 177.57 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 222.28066666666666 216.125 234.037 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 156.77066666666667 134.626 170.107 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 76.44596666666666 73.5731 80.6931 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 197.21033333333332 172.226 212.591 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 3.7154766666666665 2.57849 4.42954 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 3.9869566666666665 2.17421 6.70348 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.367746 0.117933 3.62063 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.5373633333333334 0.219136 7.15601 Sperm 0.30268616666666665 0.227031 0.469989 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.4454753333333334 0.939466 1.8826 Flower (receptacles) 73.0153875 69.6443 75.6906 Flower (floral buds) 62.4542 62.4542 62.4542 Flower (sepals) 38.79195 35.7716 40.449 Flower (petals) 60.9499 60.3634 61.5364 Flower (stamen filaments) 64.45625 60.6971 68.2154 Flower (anthers) 25.183168333333334 4.58319 69.2792 Flower (carpels) 87.51124285714286 58.6789 117.205 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 54.7713 53.1158 56.4268 Pedicel 52.283950000000004 51.6804 52.8875 Axis of the inflorescence 86.1562 79.7298 92.5826 Silique 58.68075555555556 52.1478 68.1136 Silique (senescent) 19.070149999999998 19.0119 19.1284 Pods of siliques 39.3301 31.889 45.0226 Pods of siliques (senescent) 52.22605 49.576 54.8761 Embryo 127.877 127.877 127.877 Endosperm 55.4418 15.4039 114.395 Seed 16.876275 13.8587 19.0936 Seed (young) 91.01056 81.0482 106.236 Seed (germinating) 92.90401666666666 57.4039 133.822 Seedling 35.80538 30.8726 42.357 Seedling (etiolated) 47.8831 41.583 53.2681 Meristem 100.45381 73.4471 137.441 Stem (internode) 58.333349999999996 54.6918 61.9749 Stem (internode, senescent) 56.5227 53.854 59.1914 Stems 75.25781926470589 7.40722 152.431 Leaf (rosette) 29.872185714285713 20.4821 43.5659 Epidermis cells 7.989405 4.11051 11.8683 Mature guard cells 25.57235 24.1009 27.0438 Root (differentiation zone) 73.1209 73.1209 73.1209 Root (elongation zone) 127.8805 119.451 136.31 Root (meristematic zone) 118.643 118.643 118.643 Root (apex) 85.2558 76.8694 93.6422 Root (stele) 202.41 202.41 202.41 Root (QC cells) 22.4980862 0.0 127.806 Root (tip) 108.97333333333333 107.29 110.833