condition mean min max Egg cell 61.525574999999996 2.68305 332.604 Ovule 30.866688461538462 22.2348 48.8832 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 48.854533333333336 40.7899 55.9243 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 68.4185 61.8792 79.3543 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 54.4763 48.4041 58.3288 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 78.88776666666666 69.8651 84.0313 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 92.49963333333334 84.3222 101.301 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 69.2679 59.2436 78.7614 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 101.37746666666666 80.2504 113.151 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 28.017699999999998 17.572 37.585 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 71.2783 65.2557 81.7592 Sperm 0.33698795 0.0817707 0.766586 Pollen tube (Col-0) 17.9137 8.7827 22.4917 Flower (receptacles) 36.5724875 31.9754 38.6513 Flower (floral buds) 40.6122 40.6122 40.6122 Flower (sepals) 29.425250000000002 14.1104 45.6115 Flower (petals) 33.82415 31.8489 35.7994 Flower (stamen filaments) 120.46549999999999 116.464 124.467 Flower (anthers) 39.674549999999996 25.9141 48.6138 Flower (carpels) 30.673592857142857 18.9206 43.9541 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 32.29125 30.3101 34.2724 Pedicel 9.153405 9.14367 9.16314 Axis of the inflorescence 10.71555 10.3544 11.0767 Silique 20.54137777777778 15.9877 29.5399 Silique (senescent) 35.56655000000001 34.1433 36.9898 Pods of siliques 18.22335 14.6645 29.5173 Pods of siliques (senescent) 175.55200000000002 173.645 177.459 Embryo 13.7983 13.7983 13.7983 Endosperm 22.49142 10.9635 33.5461 Seed 30.874299999999998 22.5243 36.8967 Seed (young) 20.468989999999998 16.2644 26.3606 Seed (germinating) 90.99113333333334 60.9967 115.032 Seedling 6.2367040000000005 3.08266 13.1073 Seedling (etiolated) 31.1773 23.6109 38.4021 Meristem 12.209221666666666 5.12839 17.2276 Stem (internode) 26.94495 25.4152 28.4747 Stem (internode, senescent) 55.51875 47.1056 63.9319 Stems 24.810693529411765 6.36188 74.6843 Leaf (rosette) 65.08125571428572 3.88428 120.478 Epidermis cells 21.88025 21.8606 21.8999 Mature guard cells 70.5905 40.597 100.584 Root (differentiation zone) 40.7656 40.7656 40.7656 Root (elongation zone) 42.53205 37.4551 47.609 Root (meristematic zone) 19.1841 19.1841 19.1841 Root (apex) 26.4419 26.2547 26.6291 Root (stele) 55.6097 55.6097 55.6097 Root (QC cells) 77.68811208333334 0.179666 184.1 Root (tip) 28.216233333333335 25.972 29.8633