condition mean min max Egg cell 19.3903451 0.982401 54.8822 Ovule 89.87632307692307 34.2163 160.527 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 10.628666666666666 8.9054 11.9752 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 7.491816666666667 4.20447 12.5633 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 15.638066666666665 11.6189 18.0995 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 20.7859 17.6804 23.4583 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 9.236103333333334 7.82737 12.05 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 11.554793333333334 7.72048 13.5365 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 6.666463333333333 3.44647 8.94413 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 4.201646 2.49777 5.31866 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 3.89399 2.11445 5.32625 Sperm 6.32657 4.19517 8.4293 Pollen tube (Col-0) 3.42128 2.54564 4.16191 Flower (receptacles) 69.6717375 63.4137 76.6647 Flower (floral buds) 51.4007 51.4007 51.4007 Flower (sepals) 73.131675 36.36 112.796 Flower (petals) 58.040549999999996 56.9174 59.1637 Flower (stamen filaments) 28.6144 26.7189 30.5099 Flower (anthers) 16.46568333333333 9.3677 32.3671 Flower (carpels) 72.61013571428572 29.6743 101.299 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 28.889499999999998 24.8406 32.9384 Pedicel 47.38475 46.7066 48.0629 Axis of the inflorescence 46.04325 44.7286 47.3579 Silique 38.158544444444445 28.1405 44.7819 Silique (senescent) 13.156849999999999 13.103 13.2107 Pods of siliques 56.0576125 43.0901 69.1422 Pods of siliques (senescent) 60.552 56.0509 65.0531 Embryo 38.0305 38.0305 38.0305 Endosperm 40.880160000000004 27.2716 50.8628 Seed 11.254305 8.14042 13.8379 Seed (young) 35.84022 19.2738 51.8691 Seed (germinating) 30.318016666666665 20.517 42.8957 Seedling 44.46974 29.6495 81.1418 Seedling (etiolated) 45.72206666666666 26.8872 124.943 Meristem 30.968696666666666 14.6908 60.3091 Stem (internode) 54.24245 54.0423 54.4426 Stem (internode, senescent) 98.9305 94.317 103.544 Stems 63.14550294117647 15.0233 101.755 Leaf (rosette) 148.19835714285713 21.9874 185.482 Epidermis cells 9.92163 8.93956 10.9037 Mature guard cells 13.52144 5.04338 21.9995 Root (differentiation zone) 70.5922 70.5922 70.5922 Root (elongation zone) 36.01815 31.7424 40.2939 Root (meristematic zone) 47.099 47.099 47.099 Root (apex) 16.66155 14.1161 19.207 Root (stele) 20.8546 20.8546 20.8546 Root (QC cells) 29.06701875 0.0 155.126 Root (tip) 18.3185 17.6747 19.1249