condition mean min max Egg cell 11.90090237 0.0614257 27.0527 Ovule 30.341623076923078 11.1864 51.7695 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 29.247866666666667 27.1279 31.0381 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 58.9259 55.8189 63.2184 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 33.94713333333333 33.2886 34.291 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 32.710766666666665 30.2371 34.2011 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 56.5603 48.6177 65.5996 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 7.4069 5.9471 8.27405 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 5.12747 2.86305 7.48241 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.7570766 0.283063 1.83203 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.2829516666666667 0.449263 2.65474 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.7386746666666666 0.384388 1.35753 Flower (receptacles) 56.3058375 50.1928 61.4313 Flower (floral buds) 69.3542 69.3542 69.3542 Flower (sepals) 47.50035 36.4628 59.4705 Flower (petals) 73.4676 70.5339 76.4013 Flower (stamen filaments) 32.0796 30.6203 33.5389 Flower (anthers) 56.236666666666665 23.6361 96.0827 Flower (carpels) 33.722992857142856 23.929 53.2561 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 11.29825 10.6404 11.9561 Pedicel 55.8628 54.8307 56.8949 Axis of the inflorescence 45.77705 44.3626 47.1915 Silique 21.951366666666665 16.2483 29.8239 Silique (senescent) 10.531099999999999 10.4919 10.5703 Pods of siliques 18.9346875 13.6023 24.8616 Pods of siliques (senescent) 78.4141 76.9492 79.879 Embryo 15.0977 15.0977 15.0977 Endosperm 22.497752000000002 2.5152 151.282 Seed 3.7623375 3.20289 4.3748 Seed (young) 10.858832 8.30321 14.5849 Seed (germinating) 60.19671666666667 51.7512 65.3214 Seedling 16.106392 8.43276 21.829 Seedling (etiolated) 65.97886666666666 39.7799 84.9347 Meristem 15.805656333333333 9.04139 29.6599 Stem (internode) 39.6139 36.1517 43.0761 Stem (internode, senescent) 29.77445 29.022 30.5269 Stems 26.712454411764707 11.2197 53.4589 Leaf (rosette) 23.845642857142856 12.2447 41.814 Epidermis cells 5.747695 4.57043 6.92496 Mature guard cells 1.67567 0.0 3.35134 Root (differentiation zone) 158.517 158.517 158.517 Root (elongation zone) 68.84325 39.5926 98.0939 Root (meristematic zone) 23.1496 23.1496 23.1496 Root (apex) 45.1995 42.3344 48.0646 Root (stele) 11.8792 11.8792 11.8792 Root (QC cells) 7.161692824166666 0.0 72.4249 Root (tip) 28.173933333333334 26.9646 29.3816