condition mean min max Egg cell 146.826808 7.02648 504.116 Ovule 308.98596153846154 166.006 630.461 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 83.42229999999999 81.0438 84.6676 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 38.908566666666665 32.0074 46.984 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 76.68266666666666 71.8476 82.9454 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 33.03816666666667 28.9044 40.3285 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 41.35763333333333 31.0919 53.8392 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 3.3231366666666666 1.9887 4.13415 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 1.0012673333333333 0.373012 1.37871 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.1116562 0.436595 2.91526 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.7926645333333333 0.0649766 1.68204 Sperm 3.611101666666667 2.95664 4.89759 Pollen tube (Col-0) 0.5386396666666667 0.177977 1.01069 Flower (receptacles) 290.8535 273.056 319.797 Flower (floral buds) 305.85 305.85 305.85 Flower (sepals) 125.1815 107.545 146.827 Flower (petals) 163.2515 163.023 163.48 Flower (stamen filaments) 195.848 187.049 204.647 Flower (anthers) 171.69201666666666 57.9196 311.068 Flower (carpels) 392.82314285714284 233.332 546.698 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 109.7185 105.215 114.222 Pedicel 172.97449999999998 171.196 174.753 Axis of the inflorescence 236.5135 227.279 245.748 Silique 139.1648888888889 101.919 173.672 Silique (senescent) 74.57065 68.902 80.2393 Pods of siliques 119.5755625 75.6512 184.804 Pods of siliques (senescent) 483.695 456.872 510.518 Embryo 470.795 470.795 470.795 Endosperm 48.71402 11.4053 254.045 Seed 44.413650000000004 19.9168 71.2495 Seed (young) 369.59159999999997 326.95 421.629 Seed (germinating) 172.64753333333334 77.9423 261.482 Seedling 152.2944 125.257 180.346 Seedling (etiolated) 165.30333333333334 126.44 237.627 Meristem 541.2448333333333 300.264 703.655 Stem (internode) 161.44 161.137 161.743 Stem (internode, senescent) 187.8535 174.302 201.405 Stems 306.1859411764706 113.676 649.899 Leaf (rosette) 234.05910714285716 84.4729 379.269 Epidermis cells 16.1899 11.2812 21.0986 Mature guard cells 32.69945 11.7786 53.6203 Root (differentiation zone) 332.363 332.363 332.363 Root (elongation zone) 283.6225 263.057 304.188 Root (meristematic zone) 357.494 357.494 357.494 Root (apex) 218.9295 209.045 228.814 Root (stele) 1.20899 1.20899 1.20899 Root (QC cells) 285.15433791666663 0.238413 1045.58 Root (tip) 257.87766666666664 244.906 273.497