condition mean min max Egg cell 63.344694 9.11854 109.502 Ovule 66.05322307692308 36.3629 98.0627 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 57.970800000000004 53.8602 60.5718 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 52.868233333333336 45.7355 60.1722 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 42.64386666666667 31.3345 53.1606 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 20.421133333333334 15.7159 25.4902 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 50.106433333333335 24.9975 65.6191 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 19.727133333333335 17.2514 24.6458 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 27.403966666666665 12.5174 37.2281 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 8.87707 8.15724 10.6372 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 17.427766666666667 12.398 26.9242 Sperm 109.2411 94.4836 124.898 Pollen tube (Col-0) 13.11126 9.19758 17.1947 Flower (receptacles) 43.7157125 41.9533 46.094 Flower (floral buds) 33.0002 33.0002 33.0002 Flower (sepals) 36.973275 35.0283 40.0627 Flower (petals) 35.7097 35.4148 36.0046 Flower (stamen filaments) 31.12525 29.8376 32.4129 Flower (anthers) 20.950983333333333 12.3105 33.0693 Flower (carpels) 67.05448571428572 37.5644 120.284 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 32.70915 32.0745 33.3438 Pedicel 35.7461 35.3174 36.1748 Axis of the inflorescence 40.71555 38.3329 43.0982 Silique 27.8266 22.0043 33.4712 Silique (senescent) 18.172449999999998 16.8704 19.4745 Pods of siliques 32.3755 26.6655 35.7619 Pods of siliques (senescent) 44.65995 42.9607 46.3592 Embryo 34.6281 34.6281 34.6281 Endosperm 9.08293 6.28634 18.898 Seed 18.793950000000002 14.4669 25.1885 Seed (young) 36.711999999999996 29.801 43.8478 Seed (germinating) 28.070349999999998 24.1049 31.2 Seedling 21.56844 14.9184 37.4235 Seedling (etiolated) 30.615883333333333 21.5124 68.0131 Meristem 34.75436 16.2831 50.9576 Stem (internode) 33.480050000000006 32.5632 34.3969 Stem (internode, senescent) 68.89425 63.1 74.6885 Stems 36.02368529411765 12.216 53.8954 Leaf (rosette) 68.90281428571429 13.8625 96.0643 Epidermis cells 11.980184999999999 7.68257 16.2778 Mature guard cells 9.813635 3.55557 16.0717 Root (differentiation zone) 32.3268 32.3268 32.3268 Root (elongation zone) 38.46325 31.8244 45.1021 Root (meristematic zone) 48.1837 48.1837 48.1837 Root (apex) 26.5556 25.2116 27.8996 Root (stele) 11.6145 11.6145 11.6145 Root (QC cells) 31.732040433333335 0.0401175 110.443 Root (tip) 21.3777 15.9417 24.6418