condition mean min max Egg cell 44.988769 9.74639 100.319 Ovule 83.8039 33.3068 132.614 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 73.57106666666667 68.9378 76.6366 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 61.11666666666667 44.0163 83.871 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 94.60276666666667 81.543 105.272 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 103.06093333333332 89.7358 114.472 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 75.3543 67.9142 85.1773 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 66.64296666666667 63.8138 70.9596 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 93.7509 58.2335 131.169 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 69.23394 63.6161 77.7876 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 68.9438 61.9961 72.7242 Sperm 21.515416666666667 17.8632 25.7157 Pollen tube (Col-0) 8.937636666666666 6.36328 13.7738 Flower (receptacles) 59.9589125 51.0132 66.1931 Flower (floral buds) 46.2876 46.2876 46.2876 Flower (sepals) 32.742025 27.5014 38.7387 Flower (petals) 27.8196 27.4212 28.218 Flower (stamen filaments) 20.748350000000002 19.5231 21.9736 Flower (anthers) 50.58943333333333 24.3605 70.054 Flower (carpels) 53.60185 22.3868 87.0078 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 29.08175 28.5212 29.6423 Pedicel 31.185299999999998 30.8352 31.5354 Axis of the inflorescence 32.0332 30.1832 33.8832 Silique 23.022677777777776 17.8976 38.0072 Silique (senescent) 23.422 23.401 23.443 Pods of siliques 25.85125 21.3323 29.552 Pods of siliques (senescent) 31.1918 30.8805 31.5031 Embryo 52.4435 52.4435 52.4435 Endosperm 8.464595 2.68561 40.9214 Seed 40.339150000000004 29.3884 52.5608 Seed (young) 23.58436 16.3463 28.5183 Seed (germinating) 44.94283333333333 31.3788 67.596 Seedling 56.92598 34.1331 71.8341 Seedling (etiolated) 78.58535 50.365 198.098 Meristem 44.86850333333334 16.6022 68.9138 Stem (internode) 29.2775 29.2311 29.3239 Stem (internode, senescent) 60.39745 54.5035 66.2914 Stems 63.895610294117645 14.0824 130.847 Leaf (rosette) 64.19164285714285 34.7866 108.887 Epidermis cells 11.67756 8.13342 15.2217 Mature guard cells 5.745725 4.8911 6.60035 Root (differentiation zone) 105.572 105.572 105.572 Root (elongation zone) 92.50905 90.279 94.7391 Root (meristematic zone) 130.892 130.892 130.892 Root (apex) 28.38645 24.927 31.8459 Root (stele) 41.8101 41.8101 41.8101 Root (QC cells) 62.46597641666666 0.588535 238.257 Root (tip) 59.623066666666666 55.2461 62.828