condition mean min max Egg cell 53.769933 4.05793 137.124 Ovule 48.81694615384615 37.2722 67.2064 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 30.7071 26.4488 34.0245 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 36.180933333333336 31.711 39.3614 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 28.0109 26.388 29.8068 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 26.929933333333334 24.0209 29.0752 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 40.971466666666664 29.0264 47.1655 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 3.3687066666666667 3.15957 3.75827 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 2.5594503333333334 0.845071 5.2472 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.7426552 0.132502 1.42224 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.3952676666666666 0.460476 2.98006 Sperm 6.076506666666667 4.78556 7.53534 Pollen tube (Col-0) 5.050316666666667 2.31235 6.53059 Flower (receptacles) 29.58725 26.7782 33.3712 Flower (floral buds) 37.2413 37.2413 37.2413 Flower (sepals) 25.213 20.6568 30.1599 Flower (petals) 35.472750000000005 34.1787 36.7668 Flower (stamen filaments) 36.32625 35.8181 36.8344 Flower (anthers) 10.552885 3.35197 24.8752 Flower (carpels) 53.719678571428574 38.6846 73.2089 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 28.965200000000003 28.4112 29.5192 Pedicel 37.48465 32.0489 42.9204 Axis of the inflorescence 36.6928 35.7078 37.6778 Silique 38.55257777777778 31.2686 47.5365 Silique (senescent) 34.16055 31.6265 36.6946 Pods of siliques 36.6024875 28.9046 45.4831 Pods of siliques (senescent) 23.2825 22.9277 23.6373 Embryo 34.1729 34.1729 34.1729 Endosperm 83.12984 55.7093 135.759 Seed 38.00075 31.7362 44.9182 Seed (young) 44.01458 38.9397 48.8487 Seed (germinating) 30.616233333333334 17.09 41.3345 Seedling 33.05142 20.4074 44.2008 Seedling (etiolated) 60.14045 49.1007 72.6965 Meristem 38.95243 18.2048 52.6691 Stem (internode) 57.835499999999996 56.7378 58.9332 Stem (internode, senescent) 46.78345 44.2096 49.3573 Stems 45.731182352941175 22.8258 102.641 Leaf (rosette) 41.407357142857144 12.4578 63.0051 Epidermis cells 0.6278249499999999 0.0868299 1.16882 Mature guard cells 0.2974911 0.0858772 0.509105 Root (differentiation zone) 38.2176 38.2176 38.2176 Root (elongation zone) 47.196600000000004 38.6364 55.7568 Root (meristematic zone) 36.4121 36.4121 36.4121 Root (apex) 41.94585 40.3068 43.5849 Root (stele) 193.185 193.185 193.185 Root (QC cells) 29.526596091666665 0.0 177.157 Root (tip) 30.719033333333332 30.4463 31.1739