condition mean min max Egg cell 86.79051 4.0538 222.095 Ovule 217.2068 77.5187 388.3 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 50.4479 47.6815 52.9022 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 44.7856 37.2789 57.8262 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 75.3377 67.5638 84.1102 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 88.80796666666666 83.7041 95.6733 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 68.27443333333333 39.314 107.192 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 38.57073333333334 26.8489 46.1616 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 33.48576666666667 15.0603 48.8265 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 2.660854 1.45211 4.72322 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 9.44732 5.74033 15.2362 Sperm 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pollen tube (Col-0) 20.156933333333335 13.4519 23.8101 Flower (receptacles) 267.149375 227.808 315.3 Flower (floral buds) 196.45 196.45 196.45 Flower (sepals) 198.634875 53.7965 332.628 Flower (petals) 373.92150000000004 369.802 378.041 Flower (stamen filaments) 465.88 464.516 467.244 Flower (anthers) 75.67815333333334 7.71077 241.55 Flower (carpels) 252.69792857142858 109.425 556.998 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 165.872 158.917 172.827 Pedicel 203.62099999999998 196.706 210.536 Axis of the inflorescence 277.044 259.908 294.18 Silique 443.1243333333333 244.272 708.634 Silique (senescent) 29.9829 27.6284 32.3374 Pods of siliques 426.75525 300.821 616.494 Pods of siliques (senescent) 65.16794999999999 57.1678 73.1681 Embryo 346.752 346.752 346.752 Endosperm 191.1087 117.825 433.245 Seed 11.8413675 9.69007 14.1575 Seed (young) 386.2833 255.429 486.765 Seed (germinating) 447.7411666666667 205.204 642.08 Seedling 392.4968 276.038 479.158 Seedling (etiolated) 543.0126666666666 267.649 675.945 Meristem 232.69333333333333 187.348 284.626 Stem (internode) 479.41150000000005 446.889 511.934 Stem (internode, senescent) 266.012 242.305 289.719 Stems 464.10988529411765 75.643 1454.39 Leaf (rosette) 203.03952142857142 55.231 831.573 Epidermis cells 29.423499999999997 16.6664 42.1806 Mature guard cells 52.328399999999995 29.124 75.5328 Root (differentiation zone) 238.845 238.845 238.845 Root (elongation zone) 819.499 707.204 931.794 Root (meristematic zone) 317.265 317.265 317.265 Root (apex) 1050.6100000000001 885.26 1215.96 Root (stele) 2308.46 2308.46 2308.46 Root (QC cells) 258.46239091666666 0.140187 782.394 Root (tip) 812.9143333333334 746.494 879.734