condition mean min max Egg cell 334.43097 19.8162 826.83 Ovule 132.9044153846154 76.489 231.222 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 739.5513333333333 676.357 780.977 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 912.3786666666667 794.34 995.571 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 512.5063333333334 385.081 576.761 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 159.55 156.118 163.792 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 747.573 672.512 860.51 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 4.359 3.60848 5.51018 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 7.858 6.15117 10.4236 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 3.8311157999999996 0.310666 10.3494 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 8.427066666666667 1.8761 20.1802 Sperm 28.011266666666668 23.5289 33.2879 Pollen tube (Col-0) 9.86913 6.6962 15.515 Flower (receptacles) 125.82525 115.894 138.448 Flower (floral buds) 85.3688 85.3688 85.3688 Flower (sepals) 47.354475 17.3325 75.8472 Flower (petals) 42.21195 39.2679 45.156 Flower (stamen filaments) 87.4906 75.0216 99.9596 Flower (anthers) 51.598910000000004 2.16613 161.954 Flower (carpels) 175.81785714285715 122.222 252.812 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 68.95725 65.685 72.2295 Pedicel 133.904 133.135 134.673 Axis of the inflorescence 245.60000000000002 240.919 250.281 Silique 83.8673111111111 62.0425 98.3119 Silique (senescent) 8.231275 7.70187 8.76068 Pods of siliques 40.7282875 30.9888 50.6234 Pods of siliques (senescent) 14.92435 14.8705 14.9782 Embryo 387.413 387.413 387.413 Endosperm 48.88624 13.1878 139.797 Seed 4.80184 2.03998 8.26913 Seed (young) 222.1759 152.07 327.066 Seed (germinating) 221.62388333333334 99.2993 344.906 Seedling 87.23628 31.69 144.369 Seedling (etiolated) 58.547399999999996 37.1001 78.7889 Meristem 309.36603333333335 168.811 393.8 Stem (internode) 76.84795 72.9122 80.7837 Stem (internode, senescent) 26.09285 25.9049 26.2808 Stems 125.39012426470588 9.65785 359.726 Leaf (rosette) 25.548194285714285 5.80343 148.513 Epidermis cells 1.573035 1.16184 1.98423 Mature guard cells 0.4377535 0.116406 0.759101 Root (differentiation zone) 29.446 29.446 29.446 Root (elongation zone) 149.27030000000002 70.6576 227.883 Root (meristematic zone) 556.187 556.187 556.187 Root (apex) 376.791 317.111 436.471 Root (stele) 5.25383 5.25383 5.25383 Root (QC cells) 67.73320725833334 0.0 312.648 Root (tip) 556.8033333333333 543.475 566.3