condition mean min max Egg cell 105.47806 28.8712 317.452 Ovule 57.812946153846156 45.2256 69.3474 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 106.76866666666668 103.95 109.614 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 88.04793333333333 80.4179 94.1576 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 60.83803333333333 39.2116 75.6416 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 28.4604 27.9308 28.9576 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 73.28333333333333 52.9718 86.3207 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 7.017856666666667 5.7227 8.17075 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 3.4996066666666668 2.11349 5.61493 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.6606006 0.149402 1.61992 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.7102516666666667 0.391253 3.83073 Sperm 3.1164933333333336 2.44691 3.76057 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.9414366666666667 1.88836 1.97842 Flower (receptacles) 42.2102625 38.5674 45.7308 Flower (floral buds) 30.8361 30.8361 30.8361 Flower (sepals) 21.9792 20.8949 23.3083 Flower (petals) 27.43225 27.2172 27.6473 Flower (stamen filaments) 33.81935 33.6207 34.018 Flower (anthers) 21.081855 4.10604 54.171 Flower (carpels) 51.84927857142857 43.1613 66.1074 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 32.477199999999996 32.3358 32.6186 Pedicel 28.8151 27.6418 29.9884 Axis of the inflorescence 55.244749999999996 52.3155 58.174 Silique 25.99417777777778 21.1021 31.658 Silique (senescent) 9.28286 9.24822 9.3175 Pods of siliques 22.2785 17.9413 28.4151 Pods of siliques (senescent) 26.92705 26.9026 26.9515 Embryo 69.4313 69.4313 69.4313 Endosperm 69.66488 42.6597 84.3585 Seed 7.6997775 7.30188 8.2394 Seed (young) 52.44007 39.8349 69.0916 Seed (germinating) 41.400166666666664 33.2503 46.9585 Seedling 23.13806 17.6268 34.1436 Seedling (etiolated) 30.911433333333335 26.8408 35.8191 Meristem 62.485533333333336 33.2742 92.4378 Stem (internode) 25.2143 24.4473 25.9813 Stem (internode, senescent) 32.48125 32.4194 32.5431 Stems 32.93808102941176 8.3088 58.5317 Leaf (rosette) 26.90695714285714 24.2001 31.5776 Epidermis cells 10.38011 4.18362 16.5766 Mature guard cells 5.955145 2.80523 9.10506 Root (differentiation zone) 36.4427 36.4427 36.4427 Root (elongation zone) 43.26975 29.4772 57.0623 Root (meristematic zone) 82.5632 82.5632 82.5632 Root (apex) 61.9092 57.7232 66.0952 Root (stele) 113.981 113.981 113.981 Root (QC cells) 24.403604583333333 0.0 113.537 Root (tip) 69.5874 52.5442 78.1906