condition mean min max Egg cell 8.15432589 0.0 60.5046 Ovule 34.09256923076923 20.9889 47.7749 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 10.66765 9.04965 12.275 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 14.608833333333333 12.3532 16.4693 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 11.034933333333333 8.256 13.1417 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 11.332766666666666 10.1852 12.563 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 15.984866666666667 13.9951 19.8996 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 8.036666666666667 6.24533 9.24721 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 8.191453333333333 7.36717 8.73035 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 3.570412 3.11973 4.19234 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 8.09448 5.14439 10.2887 Sperm 7.672198333333333 6.33119 9.9032 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.6334983333333335 0.841745 2.05826 Flower (receptacles) 186.885375 154.549 227.409 Flower (floral buds) 26.0949 26.0949 26.0949 Flower (sepals) 45.32815 41.5182 47.4728 Flower (petals) 53.9656 49.5686 58.3626 Flower (stamen filaments) 91.40545 88.4505 94.3604 Flower (anthers) 28.914830000000002 8.80238 67.0335 Flower (carpels) 34.60888571428571 27.3407 43.1607 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 71.86840000000001 69.227 74.5098 Pedicel 41.2713 40.3905 42.1521 Axis of the inflorescence 33.48125 31.9413 35.0212 Silique 117.23633333333333 71.1604 156.585 Silique (senescent) 14.525099999999998 13.8502 15.2 Pods of siliques 139.4605625 75.4386 215.294 Pods of siliques (senescent) 63.80535 62.7024 64.9083 Embryo 47.4607 47.4607 47.4607 Endosperm 38.09803 16.514 55.0886 Seed 10.487400000000001 9.5162 11.8124 Seed (young) 38.9073 28.9876 51.6655 Seed (germinating) 61.06177 4.15687 146.699 Seedling 101.5795 78.7135 112.425 Seedling (etiolated) 135.43161666666666 90.0807 157.721 Meristem 46.43925333333333 32.4644 65.9026 Stem (internode) 151.6245 149.248 154.001 Stem (internode, senescent) 110.382 105.169 115.595 Stems 186.65822647058823 60.7287 593.965 Leaf (rosette) 54.45180714285714 34.6752 100.499 Epidermis cells 7.078725 4.42258 9.73487 Mature guard cells 36.182 14.1396 58.2244 Root (differentiation zone) 606.773 606.773 606.773 Root (elongation zone) 112.7012 41.9214 183.481 Root (meristematic zone) 22.379 22.379 22.379 Root (apex) 136.8335 110.717 162.95 Root (stele) 1.27429 1.27429 1.27429 Root (QC cells) 84.63054433333333 0.225464 321.236 Root (tip) 32.031800000000004 26.2936 37.0778