condition mean min max Egg cell 934.9157 74.962 3242.33 Ovule 305.4826346153846 79.3055 435.751 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 393.868 367.081 436.346 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 279.34433333333334 246.573 332.829 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 508.46366666666665 429.946 613.151 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 558.9866666666667 516.396 610.913 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 334.329 296.088 358.792 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 120.4224 99.8022 132.643 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 37.39273333333333 18.7195 56.0568 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 16.96985 6.08621 37.1054 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 19.149766666666665 13.1939 29.3099 Sperm 24.20785 14.9972 33.6875 Pollen tube (Col-0) 321.9436666666667 169.95 468.675 Flower (receptacles) 97.1992375 84.0742 122.433 Flower (floral buds) 33.8829 33.8829 33.8829 Flower (sepals) 180.85175 100.693 264.67 Flower (petals) 255.577 254.773 256.381 Flower (stamen filaments) 267.43600000000004 266.993 267.879 Flower (anthers) 54.46151666666667 19.3206 120.58 Flower (carpels) 214.9117857142857 102.053 345.094 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 109.77754999999999 89.1981 130.357 Pedicel 78.0874 61.715 94.4598 Axis of the inflorescence 145.4945 127.306 163.683 Silique 224.18525555555556 68.0764 421.436 Silique (senescent) 3.198785 3.03744 3.36013 Pods of siliques 139.9642 43.9839 260.467 Pods of siliques (senescent) 32.85165000000001 32.0003 33.703 Embryo 134.846 134.846 134.846 Endosperm 80.97676 22.3975 316.216 Seed 1.1616917500000001 0.742695 2.3168 Seed (young) 95.65507 43.0006 165.452 Seed (germinating) 57.73343333333334 34.6936 95.3456 Seedling 133.0308 12.603 193.844 Seedling (etiolated) 200.27866666666665 113.872 240.894 Meristem 130.38431666666668 11.5826 237.402 Stem (internode) 403.1015 351.352 454.851 Stem (internode, senescent) 351.92650000000003 276.943 426.91 Stems 167.55453970588235 40.0304 740.094 Leaf (rosette) 192.45587857142857 25.9996 471.58 Epidermis cells 24.6341 23.058 26.2102 Mature guard cells 2.421635 1.8026 3.04067 Root (differentiation zone) 67.1219 67.1219 67.1219 Root (elongation zone) 192.571 192.364 192.778 Root (meristematic zone) 158.479 158.479 158.479 Root (apex) 156.47699999999998 149.159 163.795 Root (stele) 97.5098 97.5098 97.5098 Root (QC cells) 134.47236591666666 0.0 430.946 Root (tip) 172.308 155.661 182.73