condition mean min max Egg cell 54.894712 8.22712 135.553 Ovule 84.96827692307693 51.6889 129.245 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 12.411233333333334 10.2552 14.408 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 7.0428 5.01711 8.89416 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 10.077526666666666 9.73918 10.4643 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 17.970166666666664 14.3243 21.2719 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 8.60575 6.46546 10.9007 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 116.77566666666667 105.722 126.717 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 187.92633333333333 133.635 226.377 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 261.39959999999996 210.535 327.984 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 229.36666666666667 207.466 249.911 Sperm 29.822516666666665 24.6678 38.3882 Pollen tube (Col-0) 122.47066666666667 113.093 127.337 Flower (receptacles) 88.9209625 81.7083 94.5878 Flower (floral buds) 47.0489 47.0489 47.0489 Flower (sepals) 49.14025 45.9219 52.5013 Flower (petals) 64.65165 62.1311 67.1722 Flower (stamen filaments) 46.67 45.0455 48.2945 Flower (anthers) 238.86806666666666 45.6873 366.627 Flower (carpels) 67.34049285714286 46.2053 92.2155 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 58.689 57.4518 59.9262 Pedicel 44.9858 44.1118 45.8598 Axis of the inflorescence 43.272400000000005 40.1047 46.4401 Silique 54.352866666666664 44.6761 67.5554 Silique (senescent) 11.240535 9.77267 12.7084 Pods of siliques 60.2452 49.4787 69.5291 Pods of siliques (senescent) 40.1066 39.3611 40.8521 Embryo 34.6898 34.6898 34.6898 Endosperm 61.97066 48.0024 70.8505 Seed 10.0364775 9.41661 10.9164 Seed (young) 47.81303 31.527 67.1546 Seed (germinating) 42.48298333333333 21.0196 52.0633 Seedling 19.47955 8.76675 46.129 Seedling (etiolated) 74.03835000000001 70.4817 80.6725 Meristem 41.11483333333333 15.0439 67.5363 Stem (internode) 51.33195 48.7954 53.8685 Stem (internode, senescent) 50.68255 49.1036 52.2615 Stems 55.483107352941175 11.5722 89.061 Leaf (rosette) 41.942971428571425 12.8835 55.5085 Epidermis cells 28.77585 26.8147 30.737 Mature guard cells 207.76749999999998 91.576 323.959 Root (differentiation zone) 105.904 105.904 105.904 Root (elongation zone) 111.97890000000001 79.3138 144.644 Root (meristematic zone) 41.438 41.438 41.438 Root (apex) 51.480900000000005 43.6559 59.3059 Root (stele) 87.5895 87.5895 87.5895 Root (QC cells) 35.98518765833333 0.0684059 115.849 Root (tip) 25.700533333333333 21.3287 27.9925