condition mean min max Egg cell 31.317384 4.85694 90.5066 Ovule 24.448684615384614 18.3742 33.4437 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 39.1003 36.7662 41.8786 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 36.00156666666666 31.1531 40.2872 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 33.1481 26.0909 39.2925 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 28.063566666666667 26.4892 30.2707 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 40.6562 35.7675 45.7661 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 21.897333333333332 18.4211 25.3723 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 23.936133333333334 19.8712 26.0153 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 10.599562 9.68954 11.8175 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 18.812266666666666 16.3716 20.5929 Sperm 11.573805 8.92993 14.6693 Pollen tube (Col-0) 8.809973333333334 6.83877 10.6672 Flower (receptacles) 21.0397375 18.9714 22.5776 Flower (floral buds) 33.1501 33.1501 33.1501 Flower (sepals) 15.7733 14.3161 17.3859 Flower (petals) 21.935049999999997 21.4655 22.4046 Flower (stamen filaments) 18.3887 14.8683 21.9091 Flower (anthers) 16.942666666666668 15.0146 20.0363 Flower (carpels) 19.702142857142857 15.6139 24.7172 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 19.695050000000002 18.169 21.2211 Pedicel 17.9534 17.0038 18.903 Axis of the inflorescence 24.609650000000002 24.1859 25.0334 Silique 17.778188888888888 15.0028 19.8743 Silique (senescent) 16.2151 15.8591 16.5711 Pods of siliques 17.8838875 16.433 21.4293 Pods of siliques (senescent) 17.2132 15.825 18.6014 Embryo 16.0177 16.0177 16.0177 Endosperm 22.49509 16.8951 27.7224 Seed 23.167025 14.8373 32.3972 Seed (young) 20.56041 12.9517 24.3141 Seed (germinating) 26.546966666666666 18.6878 37.5282 Seedling 12.370102 4.32341 23.7749 Seedling (etiolated) 18.537783333333334 15.9851 25.3108 Meristem 18.706548666666666 6.03141 25.8361 Stem (internode) 24.8306 24.6552 25.006 Stem (internode, senescent) 24.6708 23.6276 25.714 Stems 19.79238088235294 10.3328 31.5534 Leaf (rosette) 13.553124285714286 6.72298 19.0135 Epidermis cells 3.70425 3.69405 3.71445 Mature guard cells 26.8916 22.6254 31.1578 Root (differentiation zone) 37.0409 37.0409 37.0409 Root (elongation zone) 35.42895 34.4335 36.4244 Root (meristematic zone) 20.121 20.121 20.121 Root (apex) 22.82365 22.2272 23.4201 Root (stele) 27.657 27.657 27.657 Root (QC cells) 32.141606849999995 0.0262434 318.049 Root (tip) 15.188500000000001 13.4259 17.1261