condition mean min max Egg cell 96.83414 40.9211 125.981 Ovule 135.1423076923077 102.7 184.192 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 99.44866666666667 94.4393 106.738 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 78.9691 68.3097 95.7146 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 90.44986666666667 81.209 96.2194 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 42.0842 41.2961 42.8238 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 85.85886666666667 71.0555 98.7119 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 1.555859 0.841167 2.2835 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 2.3435166666666665 0.0 3.6288 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 2.2156614 0.718153 3.48478 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.6581033333333335 1.09933 5.73118 Sperm 41.039883333333336 33.1538 52.1976 Pollen tube (Col-0) 3.1019633333333334 2.25838 3.77203 Flower (receptacles) 75.00955 63.8832 83.54 Flower (floral buds) 41.9798 41.9798 41.9798 Flower (sepals) 40.523725 35.4091 49.5077 Flower (petals) 49.25364999999999 48.1857 50.3216 Flower (stamen filaments) 46.41025 45.7818 47.0387 Flower (anthers) 18.803821666666668 2.09367 50.9029 Flower (carpels) 93.63950714285714 74.682 116.195 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 69.15289999999999 64.4241 73.8817 Pedicel 57.4751 56.76 58.1902 Axis of the inflorescence 74.1736 73.641 74.7062 Silique 58.124 50.578 64.4602 Silique (senescent) 14.42905 14.1315 14.7266 Pods of siliques 51.3763375 40.1781 63.6291 Pods of siliques (senescent) 28.58465 26.639 30.5303 Embryo 77.8488 77.8488 77.8488 Endosperm 104.19835 55.6832 145.003 Seed 16.525375 14.0593 20.0225 Seed (young) 104.45879000000001 92.9225 130.995 Seed (germinating) 57.37871666666667 40.654 70.6919 Seedling 38.7528 31.4623 55.5599 Seedling (etiolated) 46.683 38.2618 57.1051 Meristem 121.68701666666666 82.8866 229.427 Stem (internode) 80.16685 74.0713 86.2624 Stem (internode, senescent) 66.91284999999999 64.7666 69.0591 Stems 75.63797205882354 34.3342 120.43 Leaf (rosette) 39.08184285714286 25.6612 51.0056 Epidermis cells 6.667244999999999 6.2189 7.11559 Mature guard cells 3.5200899999999997 2.73472 4.30546 Root (differentiation zone) 32.7216 32.7216 32.7216 Root (elongation zone) 92.2506 61.0922 123.409 Root (meristematic zone) 161.91 161.91 161.91 Root (apex) 90.255 84.8583 95.6517 Root (stele) 145.558 145.558 145.558 Root (QC cells) 36.07929741666666 0.0 208.712 Root (tip) 99.48993333333333 96.472 104.576