condition mean min max Egg cell 13.0492554 0.135368 87.1785 Ovule 17.839065384615385 11.3928 28.9867 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 11.241593333333332 9.20468 12.9447 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 6.586616666666666 5.10675 7.75672 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 7.01721 4.8359 9.11137 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 2.8017399999999997 1.97941 3.26999 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 4.680313333333333 3.43101 5.35966 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 5.88007 4.27135 6.69695 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 2.293686666666667 1.61401 3.45834 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 0.4105788 0.263809 0.804784 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 0.4692463333333333 0.169579 1.0548 Sperm 1.8016166666666666 1.34107 2.20952 Pollen tube (Col-0) 6.698636666666666 4.29694 10.1227 Flower (receptacles) 89.429325 84.4127 92.9454 Flower (floral buds) 31.9769 31.9769 31.9769 Flower (sepals) 37.304825 10.1522 63.7894 Flower (petals) 18.30685 17.6686 18.9451 Flower (stamen filaments) 22.791800000000002 22.6277 22.9559 Flower (anthers) 19.467483333333334 10.2123 36.5299 Flower (carpels) 21.163171428571427 11.507 42.9785 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 25.249000000000002 24.1015 26.3965 Pedicel 14.64395 13.9343 15.3536 Axis of the inflorescence 18.763 17.6578 19.8682 Silique 30.570633333333333 15.9023 49.4587 Silique (senescent) 164.3295 153.924 174.735 Pods of siliques 39.5255875 16.9 70.3578 Pods of siliques (senescent) 244.8095 244.194 245.425 Embryo 12.2553 12.2553 12.2553 Endosperm 62.6753 25.4047 81.7593 Seed 157.02925 150.678 171.793 Seed (young) 16.185389999999998 13.45 18.4524 Seed (germinating) 254.32483333333334 134.746 328.857 Seedling 25.27162 12.7068 41.0134 Seedling (etiolated) 85.17538333333333 61.977 123.646 Meristem 17.386321 7.57613 22.732 Stem (internode) 27.53885 27.2974 27.7803 Stem (internode, senescent) 117.1045 112.554 121.655 Stems 51.330675 12.8768 100.901 Leaf (rosette) 195.44129142857142 9.19538 357.271 Epidermis cells 12.10206 6.44962 17.7545 Mature guard cells 18.12703 5.98466 30.2694 Root (differentiation zone) 62.2158 62.2158 62.2158 Root (elongation zone) 36.64815 32.0558 41.2405 Root (meristematic zone) 25.9514 25.9514 25.9514 Root (apex) 33.58955 30.1459 37.0332 Root (stele) 34.0357 34.0357 34.0357 Root (QC cells) 33.853146075 0.0153437 106.263 Root (tip) 17.5974 14.2509 19.4014