condition mean min max Egg cell 17.367644 2.8025 34.2768 Ovule 34.12605769230769 21.21 47.7608 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 76.13786666666667 73.2882 79.7702 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 110.7692 92.6536 135.835 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 131.85666666666668 106.524 150.604 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 190.65466666666666 148.056 224.766 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 150.222 113.452 173.7 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 101.63926666666667 72.6978 120.74 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 77.32966666666667 36.8819 115.454 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 14.846540000000001 10.9304 16.5058 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 15.701183333333333 6.92025 23.1209 Sperm 0.05729176666666667 0.0248916 0.0825891 Pollen tube (Col-0) 44.652633333333334 28.5694 64.6193 Flower (receptacles) 86.8131 82.1453 93.406 Flower (floral buds) 58.6565 58.6565 58.6565 Flower (sepals) 56.615125 40.5045 71.5354 Flower (petals) 72.87585 72.2717 73.48 Flower (stamen filaments) 76.2097 73.9427 78.4767 Flower (anthers) 45.275 32.3824 62.2558 Flower (carpels) 41.295835714285715 26.33 66.8059 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 51.08284999999999 50.4282 51.7375 Pedicel 23.35555 23.097 23.6141 Axis of the inflorescence 25.11985 24.1661 26.0736 Silique 43.83027777777778 38.9291 51.5512 Silique (senescent) 27.6944 26.817 28.5718 Pods of siliques 41.387187499999996 31.7612 54.3916 Pods of siliques (senescent) 257.71 252.417 263.003 Embryo 39.8554 39.8554 39.8554 Endosperm 74.20925 39.6988 106.032 Seed 9.67097 7.20332 12.2501 Seed (young) 44.41689 29.503 57.2641 Seed (germinating) 50.8669 35.5519 70.0498 Seedling 21.75166 14.3038 25.1431 Seedling (etiolated) 32.53313333333333 29.2279 37.5949 Meristem 23.854860000000002 14.0941 29.7499 Stem (internode) 25.884999999999998 25.6205 26.1495 Stem (internode, senescent) 28.94245 28.6534 29.2315 Stems 34.935289705882354 20.4641 72.7632 Leaf (rosette) 104.13326428571429 19.5478 192.664 Epidermis cells 48.3546 29.5218 67.1874 Mature guard cells 218.61450000000002 182.198 255.031 Root (differentiation zone) 65.9722 65.9722 65.9722 Root (elongation zone) 58.52275 51.9357 65.1098 Root (meristematic zone) 26.9487 26.9487 26.9487 Root (apex) 44.448350000000005 42.0692 46.8275 Root (stele) 15.1815 15.1815 15.1815 Root (QC cells) 104.26888791666667 0.1803 358.803 Root (tip) 37.0831 29.573 42.2074