condition mean min max Egg cell 17.90762 3.8785 37.4718 Ovule 26.537688461538462 12.5758 38.1384 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 10.500836666666666 9.78461 11.4957 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 7.78281 7.37129 8.05022 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 9.0381 6.2612 10.4589 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 9.960026666666666 9.25588 10.4169 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 9.893613333333334 7.06272 12.9472 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 35.311733333333336 29.5318 39.4827 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 44.56126666666667 36.5232 51.1236 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 20.91072 17.8636 23.4439 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 37.164766666666665 29.5144 48.2445 Sperm 5.636898333333333 4.21972 7.10105 Pollen tube (Col-0) 14.7623 13.2897 17.2067 Flower (receptacles) 38.760125 35.3952 40.4787 Flower (floral buds) 57.641 57.641 57.641 Flower (sepals) 34.2462 24.7473 44.4695 Flower (petals) 40.8304 40.1502 41.5106 Flower (stamen filaments) 24.45905 23.2068 25.7113 Flower (anthers) 42.22848333333333 16.5024 63.7906 Flower (carpels) 32.53820714285714 24.5638 38.0425 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 55.70415 52.5883 58.82 Pedicel 27.24765 26.8523 27.643 Axis of the inflorescence 29.1277 28.0864 30.169 Silique 29.18873333333333 23.0385 33.8252 Silique (senescent) 8.3852 7.4952 9.2752 Pods of siliques 28.3752 24.207 33.4119 Pods of siliques (senescent) 65.37445 64.1183 66.6306 Embryo 21.1445 21.1445 21.1445 Endosperm 121.6971 30.9969 174.6 Seed 3.9588200000000002 3.16836 4.61416 Seed (young) 27.59246 20.3597 33.2607 Seed (germinating) 38.18955 18.9149 49.4158 Seedling 19.6686 13.4283 30.1939 Seedling (etiolated) 22.245083333333334 21.7291 22.9826 Meristem 24.40267 13.3237 35.4005 Stem (internode) 35.316050000000004 35.1667 35.4654 Stem (internode, senescent) 30.8363 29.7158 31.9568 Stems 22.016373529411766 10.6511 35.9343 Leaf (rosette) 24.660007142857143 11.8542 53.3993 Epidermis cells 4.896929999999999 4.35896 5.4349 Mature guard cells 2.5903775 0.114455 5.0663 Root (differentiation zone) 38.5048 38.5048 38.5048 Root (elongation zone) 26.56235 26.3208 26.8039 Root (meristematic zone) 20.5564 20.5564 20.5564 Root (apex) 25.744500000000002 22.6245 28.8645 Root (stele) 21.0255 21.0255 21.0255 Root (QC cells) 116.89126154166667 0.0 523.05 Root (tip) 15.3182 12.0974 17.1907