condition mean min max Egg cell 42.160874 7.85824 83.5414 Ovule 66.00274615384615 43.4212 84.8191 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 77.71106666666667 73.5484 82.464 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 42.02616666666667 36.7847 46.0091 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 44.9829 30.2802 52.6183 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 15.242566666666667 10.9607 19.5536 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 43.64503333333333 22.7315 54.5322 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 5.152703333333333 4.5106 5.83091 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 4.35974 2.43417 6.6711 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.730376 1.40525 2.39023 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 2.51972 1.47202 3.56072 Sperm 8.798895 7.40742 10.3219 Pollen tube (Col-0) 2.10408 1.16287 2.60657 Flower (receptacles) 40.2453125 35.1971 42.6497 Flower (floral buds) 29.087 29.087 29.087 Flower (sepals) 28.86035 26.4931 31.1895 Flower (petals) 26.6535 26.5533 26.7537 Flower (stamen filaments) 23.135550000000002 23.0016 23.2695 Flower (anthers) 14.98104 4.74918 33.9735 Flower (carpels) 41.62719285714286 34.4721 47.7471 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 33.9278 33.8747 33.9809 Pedicel 33.9326 33.7342 34.131 Axis of the inflorescence 44.20905 40.0134 48.4047 Silique 25.710544444444444 19.8745 30.9045 Silique (senescent) 10.20215 9.0745 11.3298 Pods of siliques 25.0816625 20.401 28.522 Pods of siliques (senescent) 32.42815 31.5801 33.2762 Embryo 52.371 52.371 52.371 Endosperm 55.4811 24.1932 73.3477 Seed 7.508495 6.87848 8.50708 Seed (young) 43.75861 33.5456 57.3112 Seed (germinating) 33.4649 26.6043 42.3754 Seedling 25.31744 20.545 31.952 Seedling (etiolated) 27.318016666666665 24.7031 31.37 Meristem 41.16175333333334 18.4229 63.2586 Stem (internode) 21.51745 20.7669 22.268 Stem (internode, senescent) 34.39945 33.8057 34.9932 Stems 32.66196029411765 15.9694 53.4006 Leaf (rosette) 30.626835714285715 14.8771 42.6999 Epidermis cells 4.01229 3.56551 4.45907 Mature guard cells 2.09229505 0.0282701 4.15632 Root (differentiation zone) 19.0462 19.0462 19.0462 Root (elongation zone) 24.52175 17.817 31.2265 Root (meristematic zone) 45.3181 45.3181 45.3181 Root (apex) 28.5292 28.4023 28.6561 Root (stele) 75.7835 75.7835 75.7835 Root (QC cells) 48.00762990833333 0.0116951 397.691 Root (tip) 28.619066666666665 19.7551 33.5759