condition mean min max Egg cell 61.22842 19.6139 107.039 Ovule 37.86616153846154 28.8006 47.1233 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 9.640193333333334 7.82133 11.1667 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 6.136796666666667 5.11838 6.80689 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 7.97351 6.88142 9.45649 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 7.915406666666667 4.30472 11.5177 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 9.027093333333333 8.2196 9.97633 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 11.238243333333333 9.15513 14.0202 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 19.988166666666665 12.8522 32.0909 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 9.030678 7.53074 9.81597 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 12.415503333333334 7.79961 16.7653 Sperm 9.54328 7.79555 12.9756 Pollen tube (Col-0) 24.128033333333335 18.2633 27.0906 Flower (receptacles) 31.6321 28.3761 35.5976 Flower (floral buds) 28.0607 28.0607 28.0607 Flower (sepals) 26.242449999999998 24.3711 28.5497 Flower (petals) 39.23155 39.0798 39.3833 Flower (stamen filaments) 23.0372 21.3318 24.7426 Flower (anthers) 15.753805 9.22233 22.4909 Flower (carpels) 39.56827142857143 20.5704 63.0163 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 35.981049999999996 33.0969 38.8652 Pedicel 25.14265 23.5327 26.7526 Axis of the inflorescence 21.83165 19.5976 24.0657 Silique 29.290588888888887 24.1019 34.1598 Silique (senescent) 17.13695 16.4367 17.8372 Pods of siliques 30.366525 23.6899 36.9238 Pods of siliques (senescent) 43.7853 41.6075 45.9631 Embryo 21.5963 21.5963 21.5963 Endosperm 22.62025 16.284 34.1582 Seed 20.202175 17.9588 23.9609 Seed (young) 24.16545 19.678 31.9245 Seed (germinating) 23.774350000000002 20.2159 27.3563 Seedling 24.45558 19.1022 28.3516 Seedling (etiolated) 41.15905 35.0716 51.9848 Meristem 28.969544666666668 4.23474 46.9248 Stem (internode) 42.24145 40.6106 43.8723 Stem (internode, senescent) 49.4303 46.25 52.6106 Stems 40.02167647058823 28.6781 62.6923 Leaf (rosette) 34.11631428571429 18.1516 43.826 Epidermis cells 4.333035 3.13125 5.53482 Mature guard cells 27.1239 23.649 30.5988 Root (differentiation zone) 66.2086 66.2086 66.2086 Root (elongation zone) 54.7462 50.8762 58.6162 Root (meristematic zone) 38.9313 38.9313 38.9313 Root (apex) 30.2213 28.749 31.6936 Root (stele) 13.264 13.264 13.264 Root (QC cells) 8.7522945 0.0 78.5757 Root (tip) 25.4647 24.0216 26.8664