condition mean min max Egg cell 11.412213 0.0 25.6987 Ovule 46.603603846153845 35.7528 61.7831 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 69.86449999999999 69.067 71.2668 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 71.84493333333333 68.3533 73.7045 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 68.8378 58.9202 79.0379 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 56.03403333333333 50.2648 63.5281 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 77.55330000000001 59.2116 87.5385 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 12.67877 8.76331 14.6861 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 9.677033333333334 5.52172 17.1204 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 2.012594 1.00764 3.78059 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.9440686666666664 0.464696 4.26688 Sperm 0.8513743333333333 0.522271 1.28914 Pollen tube (Col-0) 3.8674933333333334 3.21133 4.77888 Flower (receptacles) 74.8550625 68.4614 80.4025 Flower (floral buds) 105.067 105.067 105.067 Flower (sepals) 79.27572500000001 31.3483 135.818 Flower (petals) 171.78 162.034 181.526 Flower (stamen filaments) 71.4417 64.4605 78.4229 Flower (anthers) 17.862055 7.72833 32.9827 Flower (carpels) 41.450007142857146 32.3852 48.1664 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 22.66545 22.0282 23.3027 Pedicel 19.1035 18.5635 19.6435 Axis of the inflorescence 27.0637 24.3522 29.7752 Silique 27.529166666666665 25.2619 30.2605 Silique (senescent) 1.3159049999999999 1.03414 1.59767 Pods of siliques 23.2948375 19.754 26.6182 Pods of siliques (senescent) 10.8691 10.0124 11.7258 Embryo 23.0407 23.0407 23.0407 Endosperm 29.126360000000002 13.7227 39.6375 Seed 0.8163097500000001 0.503194 1.01624 Seed (young) 44.94241 36.8416 52.4731 Seed (germinating) 18.530706666666667 7.09965 25.7248 Seedling 20.38276 12.7019 32.872 Seedling (etiolated) 26.333883333333333 18.8207 30.9651 Meristem 31.098546666666667 13.3569 51.5929 Stem (internode) 31.652250000000002 31.6219 31.6826 Stem (internode, senescent) 18.5776 17.542 19.6132 Stems 22.849305735294116 3.46289 37.7255 Leaf (rosette) 10.506732857142858 7.57044 13.7371 Epidermis cells 4.004955 3.24846 4.76145 Mature guard cells 17.5751 11.4055 23.7447 Root (differentiation zone) 20.6383 20.6383 20.6383 Root (elongation zone) 29.082749999999997 25.6249 32.5406 Root (meristematic zone) 23.4583 23.4583 23.4583 Root (apex) 27.109 26.6374 27.5806 Root (stele) 42.7067 42.7067 42.7067 Root (QC cells) 11.282652816666667 0.0 55.5229 Root (tip) 18.87923333333333 16.1058 20.767