condition mean min max Egg cell 36.10112 0.0 63.5971 Ovule 54.93041538461539 34.3605 78.2465 Uninucleate microspore (Col-0) 79.23116666666667 76.3679 83.6908 Uninucleate microspore (Ler-0) 58.330333333333336 57.1852 59.8704 Pollen (bicellular, Col-0) 67.4837 58.0769 77.5049 Pollen (late bicellular, Col-0) 41.0167 34.8311 46.624 Pollen (bicellular, Ler-0) 57.79376666666666 54.2996 60.8809 Pollen (tricellular, Col-0) 16.673733333333335 13.4795 20.9572 Pollen (tricellular, Ler-0) 7.4189766666666666 4.76763 11.9037 Pollen (mature, Col-0) 1.0895029999999999 0.211376 3.0376 Pollen (mature, Ler-0) 1.0113903333333334 0.130922 2.7145 Sperm 0.201508 0.109109 0.324922 Pollen tube (Col-0) 1.5065653333333333 0.603166 2.01681 Flower (receptacles) 37.9331125 34.962 42.1677 Flower (floral buds) 18.2398 18.2398 18.2398 Flower (sepals) 28.8962 27.4246 32.496 Flower (petals) 39.133 38.6255 39.6405 Flower (stamen filaments) 48.58015 47.1115 50.0488 Flower (anthers) 22.187405000000002 7.63615 50.2755 Flower (carpels) 53.459157142857144 38.6265 70.5205 Flower (stigmatic tissue) 37.45445 35.6206 39.2883 Pedicel 40.39475 39.203 41.5865 Axis of the inflorescence 62.822250000000004 61.2582 64.3863 Silique 31.022188888888888 24.4383 36.402 Silique (senescent) 10.355419999999999 9.88044 10.8304 Pods of siliques 27.479612499999998 21.56 32.821 Pods of siliques (senescent) 55.072649999999996 54.149 55.9963 Embryo 63.4892 63.4892 63.4892 Endosperm 12.107808 5.02173 65.7955 Seed 7.0570450000000005 5.73099 7.96107 Seed (young) 66.86547 55.956 84.7655 Seed (germinating) 40.963966666666664 24.6137 53.691 Seedling 26.808600000000002 10.0185 40.9733 Seedling (etiolated) 41.07646666666667 37.8251 44.323 Meristem 73.15384666666667 52.0481 93.7414 Stem (internode) 37.108050000000006 36.9802 37.2359 Stem (internode, senescent) 38.70935 36.2094 41.2093 Stems 44.423725 24.575 76.825 Leaf (rosette) 42.196357142857146 24.4736 54.8118 Epidermis cells 36.0389 13.0315 59.0463 Mature guard cells 57.7068 14.9956 100.418 Root (differentiation zone) 31.3308 31.3308 31.3308 Root (elongation zone) 84.80005 58.0251 111.575 Root (meristematic zone) 69.3952 69.3952 69.3952 Root (apex) 69.18190000000001 65.3516 73.0122 Root (stele) 243.956 243.956 243.956 Root (QC cells) 33.984791875 0.0 210.043 Root (tip) 78.74236666666667 75.7517 83.0446